The Witch With A Mate

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November 19th 1962

"Annabeth, I'm a witch." Holiday said precociously. Annabeth stared at her for at least seven minutes many emotions flashed through her eyes, Anger, fear, betrayal, and finally sadness. "They will kill you." Annabeth whispered solemnly. "Not if anyone knows! The mayor is very fond of me." Holiday smiled, They wouldn't be able to get near me, she thought confidently. 

"I have to go Holiday, Farewell." Annabeth blandly yelled with no enthusiasm. "Good bye Annabeth, tell your mother the pie was ace-high!" Holiday smiled at her friend. "I will." Annabeth murmured walking out of the cottage door.

It's been two days since Holiday has seen Annabeth. Holiday grew increasingly worried about her friends wellbeing. The young witch decided to go look for Annabeth, as she walked around the small burg there was no sign of Annabeth. As Holiday walked through she noticed people cowering away from her, even mothers rushing their children inside.

Holiday was growing paranoid. She walked up to her other friend Raylele, "Raylele, have you seen Annabeth? I'm balled up, she just disappeared." Holiday explained. Raylele glared at her, "You are a disgrace. You have sinned against god, may Satan take you. Good riddance Holiday." Raylele spat before rushing inside. Holiday realized what had happened, Annabeth has told everybody Holiday was a witch.

The young witch stood there stunned, if everybody knows in the village. That means the mayor knows. Holiday felt the color drain from her face as the mayor set up a cross that could fit her body. They're going to throw me in the river.. Then burn me, she realized. Oh but there is no way Holiday would let that happen. A soldier from the militia grabbed Holiday from behind and practically cut off her airway. F

"étouffer l'homme qui porte préjudice à ton"  She spat black magic at the man who held her. The young fellow fell to his knees and started gasping for air, before finally passing out. "Fetch her!" The mayor yelled angrily to the rest of the militia. 

Another man grabbed Holiday roughly and shoved a cloth up to her nose, she immediately reconized. Witchsbane, she bitterly thought before feeling her power drain out and a unbearable pain went through her body. Holiday was dragged up to the cross and tied to it, completely powerless.

Holiday was shoved in the water roughly. The way they decided weather or not your a witch is by drowning you, you float. Oh your a witch! You don't float and die, oh she wasn't a witch. The young girl could not breathe, she couldn't even do a simple protection spell. Holiday was brought back from the water. "She's a witch, she floated." The mayor claimed, a large amount of gasps came from the crowd that gathered.

Gullible idiots, Holiday spat in her mind. The mayor had the militia lug Holiday into a barn where two other women were. They were both tied to a cross, they were still breathing though. "You will be executed tomorrow at sundown. As will everybody else." The man spoke untying the women. "You will be tied back up in the morning, don't think about sneaking out. You shall be killed on sight." He informed all of the girls.

Holiday hung her head as the soldier left the barn. "I'm Alisia." One of the girls spoke up. Alisa looked like she was in her mid twenties, she had red hair that fell at her waist. In other words she was stunning. "I'm Holiday." Holiday said meekly.  "No need to be shy child, I am Jenessa." A much elder woman smiled.

"What is wrong?" Alisia asked putting her hand on top of Holiiday's shaking one. "We will all die tomorrow!" Holiday exclaimed as a look of sadness took over her face. Jenessa laughed, "No we won't I'm doing a ritual in this barn to insure immortality. That is if you want it." Janessa spoke softly. "I'm not sure. But, they made us take witchsbane?" Holiday asked with a look of confusion.

"I'm immune to that bosh herb. I still have my abilities." The elder smiled. "We aren't goners." Holiday grinned widely, Alisia laughed at Holiday's face. "At least not all of us."Janessa spoke quietly. "What do you mean Janessa?" Alisia asked looking panicked. "One who uses too much black magic will suffer. Immortality is taking it to the next level, it is unatural." Janessa spoke wisely.

"You can't do that!" Alisia cried angrily. "Hush! They will hear you. I am old and dying no matter what I will die. Now you children, have a future. I do not. I wish you young girls stop begging me not to." Janessa spoke sternly. "Janessa." Alisia whimpered. Holiday hugged Alisia, she sobbed into the dress Holiday wore.

"It's time." Janessa spoke. Alisia at this point was sobbing, Holiday rubbed her arm as Janessa stood up. Janessa made a fire on the bed within seconds, "Children I need you both to draw blood from your arm." Janessa said while handing both Holiday and Alisia splintered sharp wood.

Holiday and Janessa both cut there wrists and held their wrists over the fire, as the blood dropped Jenessa started chanting a spell in latin. Holiday felt the impact of losing blood, she gripped Alisia quickly. "It's done. Now you need to accept it." The elder said weakly. "I accept." both Janessa and Holiday repeated in monotone.

Holiday felt a power start to overtake her, it grew to much to the point where she was starting to be pushed down by gravity. "No, no, no.." Holiday whispered as she passed out.

As Holiday regained consciousness she noticed it was near execution. Holiday felt the energy surge through her. She turned her head to Alisia who had a tear stained face, "We cannot die in the fire, we will burn and feel it. A man who was close to Janessa will stake us, it will temporarily kill us until someone removes it." Alisia cried as she held Janessa's dead body close.

"Disgusting, they killed there own kind." A member of the militia spat. "I did not kill her! You sick worthless peices of shit did!" Alisia spat, many men stared at her with pure shock on there face. Women did not say profanities back then, it was highly disrespectfull to do so. "Tie them up." The mayor demanded.

Holiday felt herself being lifted up on to a long thing of wood. They tied her wrists and feet to the post, a crowd gathered. Annabeth mainly stood out to Holiday, Holiday glared at her with such intensity that Annabeth looked away and started crying. The mayor let out a long meaningless speech about how witchcraft and it's evilness.

Fire was placed at the bottom of the post, as the flamed grew highed Holiday felt the burn but nothing happened to her skin. "Stop! Please!" She cried as she felt sensations reach to her lower body. "Why is she not burning?!" Some one screamed. "I don't know." The mayor said looking alarmed.

"I know what will kill them." an attractive young man said. He held a stake in his right hand, "Let me do it, set the fires out." He commanded. The militia quickly started throwing rocks at the flame putting it out. The young man walked up to Holiday's post, "I will revive you someday, I'm Alaric by the way." He spoke tenderly to Holiday. He quickly put the stake through Holidays heart.

And this was only the beginning.

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