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Ok, let's review some basics.
Y/N = your name
F/N = Friends name
S/C = Scale Color
E/C = Eye color
F/C = Favorite color

And if it is not your POV, it will be in italics. Ok, I'm done :D.

Y/N was flying around sulking, she had no one like herself to talk to. She grumbled, and yelped when her Raincutter friend F/N, almost rammed into her. "Y/N!!!! Oh my Draconis. There has been news of and ALPHA NIGHTFURY in this place called Berk." At first I was annoyed, then I heard the word NightFury. "What!!! Really!?!?!?!?" I exclaimed. I looked at F/N, and beamed. She nodded. "Oh my Nocturne, F/N, you have to come with me!" I said, excitedly. She agreed, and it was settled. In two days, we would leave. We had to wait because F/N's sister was hatching her eggs, and F/N needs to be there. I flew fast, and did flips and twirls back to our island, and whoo-hoo'd a couple times. I may finally have family.

     I saw a Monstrous Nightmare flying into Berk. I quickly recognised it as Hookfang. He flew over to me, he looked exhausted. I quickly said "Are you ok?" I was puzzled, I had never seen him so excited. " I was scouting the island, and I saw.... I.. I think I may have seen another Nightfury, Toothless." He said, and my eyes widened. I was excited, but kept my calm. "Really? Are you sure?" I asked, making sure he wasn't just seeing things. He did look exhausted, and he did fly out a little farther than he was supposed to. "Y-yes. I saw what I said I did." He confirmed. I nodded, and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Go rest, you've had a long day." He went and did as I said. I went Hiccup and bounced around him. I was super excited. "Well, what are you so happy about, bud?" He asked, laughing. I gurgled in response, since he couldn't understand me.

Toothless X Nightfury ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now