Metro memories

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"Hey stan."
"Yea kyle?"
"Remember when we were metrosexual?"
"That was kind of offensive."
Stan let out a sigh and layed his head on his arms, seeing as we were just looking above at clouds. Reminiscing our past.
"Actually," Stan started "sooner or later some things become offensive to people."
"Huh." I mumbled in agreement.
"Is it offensive to you kyle?"
I sat up thinking.
" don't really know the answer to that."
"I mean, I'm not gay so I wouldn't know if it was offensive or not.."
Stan closed his eyes. He hummed to acknowledge my statement.
"If you were would it be?"
Odd question for him to ask, but whatever. I won't question it.
"I guess."
I layed back down, careful as to not knock my green hat off. I hated having my hair show, it was very ugly in my eyes.  It was peaceful just lying there, it was some time in the afternoon, but you could still see the sun bright as ever. Then a question bubbled in my brain.
"How do you know if you're gay in the first place?"
I would assume you just know, but I've heard stories that prove otherwise.
"I don't know,  maybe you just know when the right person comes along and they happen to be the same gender."
"How do you know who is the right person."
I lowered my eyelids, feeling lazy.
Stan hesitated to answer, but then started.
"You just feel it in your gut, or like, a spark."
"How do you get the spark"
I commented
"I think you just kiss and it happens."
He slowly answered.


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