One day Anchor Beach High was expecting a new student Chaley, Chaley was a british girl and the daughter of a famous singer but no one knew that. Chaley walked through the halls whall everybody staired, she bumt into this boy Jacob, she fell in love right when she saw him, the principal came out and said "ohh i see you met the person that will show you around today". Jacob helped Chaley up and said "hi am Jacob" all of a sudden the clouds get darker and it starts to rain Jacobs ex girlfriend walks up to her and says "I see you met my man" Jacob quickly said " am not you man Ashley" Ashley felt so imbarassed so she ran off quickly with a hair flip. Jacob said "SORRY about that, thats my ex girlfriend Ashley" so are you single are something asked Jacob, Chaley replied "NO" why, Jacob said well i kinda think your really cute aww thanks daid Chaley.