Tickets to Paradise?

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"Dante, no, we, well I, just got here, your not dragging me to another destination unknown,"I said. Dante had already packed my suitcase which I had just set up yesterday.

"Come on Kim, isn't Love~Love Paradise, like every girls dream,"Dante exclaimed, dragging me along to the car.

The others had already gone, with Aaron apparently,"Sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all,"I mumbled in the back seat.

"I do, your like a mini Katelyn sometimes, the grumpy and mean that wants to throw you out a window."

"Defenenstration:The act of throwing something or someone out a window."

"Yes thank you Dictionary.Kim, now to PARADISE!"


Why, why must this happen to me?
First the boat, then I find out were on an island! How am I suppose to get a trip back home. Maybe I could get back on the-

Nope the boat was gone. That thing weighed as much as a mansion, how did it get away from me so fast. Everyone had dispersed already, even Dante. I was left alone standing in the middle of the crossroads, looking lost. Though since I was a grown adult I totally didn't look like-

"Hey there are you lost,"sigh just as I suspected, I turned to my right, to see a random guy who didn't look like staff. Though for some reason I nodded,"Ha, come on I'll take you to the beach, there so much to do there!"

He hooked his arm onto mine, and I just stood their still confused, and may as well have still been lost. A sudden force pulled me towards it. My face collided with a chest, not buff but not flabby. More like a stick. Ha, ok this had to be Zane. Though why would Zane pull me to his chest. He had no reason to be protective of me anymore.

"Buzz off dude,"Zane said in the most menacing voice he could muster. Which actually had scared me a bit the first time he did it. It wasn't like him, it was the complete opposite of him, it was evil.

I couldn't see the dude because Zane still had me held to his chest, I tried to push away from him which didn't work at first, the next time it work to well. I fell to the ground. Zane looked down at me in confusion.

  Well he had gotten the stranger to go away.

"Yeah, you're welcome "he rolled his eyes, but they landed right back to me.

"You..were....suffactationg me,"I yelled out of breath.

I breathed a heavy sigh and took out my headphones. I went through my songs.

    Summertime-Chemical Romance

    Zane looked at me funny and then I offered him the other ear bud and he took it. We sat on a bench in the shade next to a restaurant. We glued our eyes to our screens. The air wasn't awkward, and neither of us wanted to break the silence, it was a comfortable atmosphere. Though still one of us did eventually.


   "May, I ask you something?"

"Just did."
   We laughed a little, when we stopped he stared into my eyes. I could tell he was staring at the details of my face like he used to do all the time....

    "Why did we break up,"he asked.

"Don't know, you...well, you broke up with me."

Age Of The Wolf Girl : MCD and MyStreet {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now