Playing Fire With an Old Flame

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Playing fire with an old flame


I was already standing in front of Amy’s  front porch, when I was struggling with the thought if I should continue to go in.


What if he’s home from states? What if I saw him again?


What if after all this years... I still love him, like I did before...


Oh well. Maybe they won’t notice me being not there anyway, so I better get going, rather than take a risk on seeing him again.


“Where do you think your going?”


I stopped on my tracks when I heard it. That voice...


That deep, sexy voice that makes my body tingle with joy and pleasure.


That one voice that can make my heart beats fast...




(ringtone fx)

So what we get drunk?

So what we smoke weed?

We’re just having fun

We don’t care who sees

So what ---


What the f*ck? It’s freaking 6 am in the morning and there’s someone calling me. Daamn! I thought work is off for three days???

I grumpily picked up my phone and saw that it was my best friend, Amy, calling.

“What the f*ck Amy?”

“well, good morning to you, too, sweety.” Amy said sweetly, which irriates me more since she disturb me in my only rest day.

“What do you want?”

“Well, babe, we’re having a reunion tonight here at my house, so come okay? And I don’t take no for an answer sweety. The gang’s missing you so much. It’s been like 2 years already since they last saw you.”

“I can’t. I have work tonight.” I lied.

“Come on, Abby, I’m your partner so I know you’re free tonight. Just come, okay? Don’t you miss Brit and Jenna?”  She said in her high pitched, sweet tone, which I could imagine that she is also pouting her lips.

“Okay, okay.  I’ll be there.”

“Yeheeeeey!!!! Be there at exactly 7pm, ‘kay! Love you bitch! See ya lateeeer!”

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