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Well I believe introductions are in order,  please welcome my good friend and fellow author:  Deanna (also follow her @CasuallyAwkward.) And as for me well you know who I am if you're reading this, I'm Smuttyauthor. Our first chapter will be up shortly. Thank you for being so patient. We might be as active but we'll still update often. So have fun, our smol beans. (Sorry if you're extremely tall.) Oh and please keep in mind that there will be smut in later chapters.

Deanna: *smacks Smuttyauthor*

Smuttyauthor: ow! You knows its going to happen. It's clearly stated in my name.

Deanna: Shut the fuck up, you idijit. Some of these readers are young ones. *smacks Smuttyauthor harder and over and over and over again* Sorry younger readers. We love you.

Smuttyauthor: *whimpers in dark corner like Tamaki*

Deanna: Bye bye for now. Now imma go beat up Smuttyauthor.  *stalks over and beats Smuttyauthor up* Bye kiddies nothing to see here.

Getting to know you better. (Hikaru x Kaoru x Reader) (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now