Chapter 2

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Gasping as my eyes opened, I had noticed my surroundings; a small bedroom with the bed in the center. My body rose only to fall back down, everything was starting to fade away; only a blur was left. It was only a dream; reality was before me once more. "Embrena, I'm here." A familiar voice echoed as three knocks replaced the silence. "Aileen, you can't do that!" Kilo squealed while chasing Aileen. A young woman with blue eyes and blonde hair approached me with a rather large smile and an innocent expression.

"Hello Kilo. Is this your younger sister?" I examined this thick yet short child while I spoke with no emotion, Aileen then stared at me as if I had offended her. Wondering why she looked as if she was sad; my pokerfaced only persevered. "Why does she look so empty?" Aileen gazed at my posture as she questioned my emotionlessness. "Please stop Aileen!" Kilo screeched as she pulled her sister backwards. "How are you today?" I asked as I ignored Aileen's words, Just the thought of standing next to a stranger had always scared me which was somewhat ironic. "Embrena, what time do you have to go to work?" Kilo dodged my question with yet another because of the tension in the air. Our eyes met and I felt the tension once again. "I have to go to work in a few minutes so I should start to leave soon. It was nice to meet you Aileen; come over anytime." Shocked Kilo nods and drags Aileen away.

I place my ring on my left hand disappear to normal humans. Groping the handle of my bow, I move forward. Leaving my studio apartment, I only to shiver from the breeze; fall is a perfect time to fall in love. A tall, brown-haired woman flips her pony-tail over her shoulder and started to jog away only to have a tall, broad shouldered man stare at her. Thin red lines formed in his brown eyes, this is how we know who to shoot the arrow towards. I draw my bow and listen to the creaking of the string. An arrow with a heart at the tip forms between the two ends of the bow stave, it then lands a direct hit on the woman's phone.

"Crap!" She screams as her phone hits the cement, unconsciously the man steps forward and dusts off the uncracked screen. "You dropped this." He stated as he handed her the phone, after their eyes met she could only giggled. "Thank you." Slowly the arrow that was shot appeared in my hands along with money, this was my unknown job.

Peering at the heart from the arrow, I had noticed it faintly starting to beat. This relationship was not going to last unless it was nurtured. I slowly shook my head and sighed; I can't intervene now, it isn't my job anymore. Slowly I carried the arrow back home; I was left unnoticed, maybe it was because of the ring. I've only been cupid for four year so I was still not used to their costumes. All I knew was, in a second everything can be ripped away.

Approaching my home I had noticed yet another victim to a cupid, this was unpleasant in my eyes; witnessing another cupid's hunt enraged the hunter and the watcher. Yet this cupid was not unknown to me; it looked as if it was Chase. Once the bowstring was unhinged a shiver ran down my spine. The arrow disappeared the minute that it reached the victim's shoe. He tripped and a tall woman caught him, the heart on his arrow started to glow intensely. The strength of their newfound love was honest. Unaware of his next move, I giggle with a blissful mood.

He then crushes the heart and it falls apart, their smiles instantly fade away. I was astonished, as my eyes widened my heart stopped. Desperately trying to make a sound, my body spoke for itself. Without the knowledge of my actions, I drew my bow and shot another arrow. My sight became clear when their eyes gleamed once again. The knockback of the bow threw my body backwards and the power it took to shoot two arrows in one day drained me. I had collapsed on the grass and was now visible to the humans. My eyes were open leaving my body on the flat ground, only to look at the clouds before me. I watched, minimal motion, as Chase walked towards me.

"Pitiful girl, don't you know that two arrows can kill someone?" With all the strength that I had left, I spoke. "Yet it didn't." He only shook his head disappointedly. "Embrena, is that you?" He asked as he grew into a higher octave. Had he not known that it was me from the start? "Don't you understand that there are people out there who will be devastated once you die? Why do I always have to do this?" Slowly peering towards him, I see a line of red in the shape of a heart. Did Chase fall in love with someone since our last encounter? He then glanced at my lifeless body and it became limp. I felt as though I was stuck inside an ice cube yet it was lit on fire. Slowly I laid my head on Chase's chest and I felt his body become hot. "I will make sure that you are okay."

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