As usual the memorial was held, "Aileen would dearly be missed." For the first time since I had become a cupid, a human was allowed at the memorial. No one wore their rings and Kilo came with her other sibling her name was Adelpha, she was only 6... "Embrena... Will you say a few words? I know that Aileen would be happy to hear you?" Hear me? Aileen did not like me very well... "Aileen, you were strong. Even after the memories have faded, you persevered to stay alive. You loved your sisters so dearly that you wouldn't let anyone take that away and that made you so strong and admirable. No matter what anyone said, you still cared. So... we will care as well, we will keep your memory alive." Smiling Kilo faced me, "I will never let my memory of her fade. Thank you for your words." With that we scattered to our own homes.
"Mason?" I notice a man with short blonde hair standing in line next to Morgana and Evan. "Mason! Is that you?" I screamed as I waved my thin hand back and forth. "Do you hear someone calling me?" Mason asked as both of my siblings shook their heads. He turned his head to reveal his jade-like eyes. "Mason? Where are your red eyes?" He then faced me and acted as if I wasn't there. From the back of my mind I heard a voice. "The ring" it echoed, was it Chase? It felt as if reality was slipping away, slowly my body started disappearing. I slipped off my ring and Mason had stared into my eyes. "Where did you come from?" He silently whispered, had he not remembered?
I opened my eyes only to scream his name, "Mason!" Chase then ran into my room with a baseball bat. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?" He shouted as he swung the bat, I nodded as my breathing became normal once more. "What are you going to do with that?" Chase then collapsed near me and laughed. "I was ready to beat someone." I rolled my eyes and laid back down, it was only a dream. "Are you okay?" He asked as he wiped away the tears that I didn't even know I had. "Yeah... It was only a dream." A dream... I had so many dreams of Mason. "Him again... Do you miss him that much?" Chase whispered.
Desperately trying to change the subject I ask Chase a simple question. "Do you think she will visit again today?" I blink rapidly as our eyes meet. "Possibly, every day since that incident she has visited so it is always possible." I mumble and nod as I rise from my bed, the brown blanket falls from my legs only to reveal that I was wearing a dress. I scan my room only to notice the dirtiness, starting to clean Chase arises. "Why haven't you cleaned? Normally you it's spotless before you leave." I raise my head only to lower it back down. "I don't normally have the motivation to." He only nods and closes his eyes, "I see."
This was the truth yet I could help but feel guilt. Badly I wanted to be free from this cupid trauma, even if it meant the excruciating pain from my own death. The minute that Aileen shot the arrow... Time stopped as it had on my last day of being human and Chase's as well. He knew, he felt it; yet he had stopped me. Why? Chase has always made me question his motives, if he knew should he have told me. whether he knew the outcome or not, it was my own decision to make not his. "You were selfish." I stated with the compassion draining from my voice. "You only thought of how you would feel if I shot that arrow. Not how I would." Anger soon consumed me, my blood began to boil, and my teeth clenched. "How could you do that? You knew! You knew yet you did it anyway." I screamed as my insides churned, I was furious. "I never knew that you could be so selfish."
Deep down I had known that I was the selfish one. I knew that it was best for him to stop me, yet my emotions took over. "Why? Why would ever do that? You not only affected my life but Aileen's, Kilo's, and Amara's! But you knew that right?" Chase sat on my bed silently with his head hanging low. "Yes... I knew. I knew that I could have stopped her, everything would have been different." I pierced my lips together silently and then I clenched my fists. If he knew then why didn't he do anything differently? "But... If you were the one to shoot that arrow... then you wouldn't be here to scream at me. You couldn't open your mouth or move or miss anyone. If you were the one to shoot that stupid arrow... You would have left me alone in this world." I remained silent, I wanted to scream! I wanted to hit him, I wanted to hurt him, and I wanted to make him pay...
Ember's Cupid
FantasyMason and I were close. I looked up to him, not as a lover but as a partner. He was my best friend, my other half, a shoulder to lean on; Mason was the best person I could have ever possibly met. I saw him not as most women see men but as they see t...