Saving Jennie <3

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So I started dating this guys three days ago. And he just told me he loved me. I'm kind of worried. His name is Taylor. He was this sweet quiet guy from my writers workshop class offered at out high school, South Pacific High School (SPHS).

It's 10:00 in the morning and 4th period is next. I have to go see him before class but what do I say? I can't tell him I love him. It would be untrue but if I don't he might leave me.

I walked out of my world history class and there is Taylor standing and waiting for me.

"Hey babe, how was you morning?" He smiles reaching for my hand

"Good but I can't talk long, I have to go to my locker before math and then meet up with Lelia." I said pulling away.

"I'll let you go then sweetie. I love you. I'll see you in sixth period." He said

I quickly kissed his cheek and said "see you." I walked away.

Lelia was waiting for me at the end of the hall by my locker. I approached fiddling with my books. She was angry I could see it on her face.

"What the hell Jennie? How could you lead Roderick on like that? Then I hear you have Chris chasing you too. And you broke both of their hearts. What are you doing?" She nearly growled.

Lelia was one of my best friends. We had known each other since six years old and our mothers had graduated high school together and were pregnant at the same time. Her birthday was about a week after mine. But she could be kind of judgmental.

"Well I kind of started dating this guy from my 1st period. He's really sweet. We've been together three days. But it's freaking me out because last night he told me he loved me." I said quickly

"You're kidding right?" She gaped as we walked into 4th period. And we both sat our stuff at our normal seats.

"Unfortunately not. He did it. But Chris and Roderick are still chasing me too and I'm not sure how to make them stop." I replied.

"Maybe if you weren't so'OPEN' with guys.." She sighed.

"What do you mean Lelia?" I asked knowing something horrible was coming.

"Maybe if you weren't sure a whore, you wouldn't have these problems." She blurted.

I felt the angry tears enter my eyes. It hurt so much hearing her say that. She was supposed to be my best friend. I ha been raped back in July, 3 months ago. And less then 2 weeks from this very moment, publicly molested and assaulted while she stood by doing nothing. I could even San. The thought of sex or being touched that way. I felt the tears running down my face and I wanted to lash back. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt every day no matter where I went. I gripped the edge of the desk.

"Well you know what Lelia, if you weren't such a bitch maybe I wouldn't be your only friend." I yelled and I knew people started staring. The late bell had not rung so there were only a few people in the room.

"Well if you weren't a slut, you wouldn't have gotten 'raped' as you claim, more like got drunk and gave it up then cried raped. And you wouldn't have the scars on your arms if you hadn't been so pathetic to try to kill yourself over something that never happened." She yelled.

I felt like I'd been slapped. I just stood in shock staring at her. I had angry tears freely flowing down my face. I lifted my right Hand and was about to step forward and hit her, then it happened. I felt a hand tighten around my left wrist.

I turned to see Josh standing there. He was Taylor's best friend. I barley knew him. I had never spoken to him but knew his face because he dated this girl I had know since middle school our freshman year. We were sophomores now.

He looked me in the eyes and shook his head. He didn't say a word. He tugged at my wrist, scars and all, trying to get me to follow him across the room. I glanced at Lelia. She just stared. Something in me just let him, this complete stranger lead me across the room, away from the situation. He grabbed my stuff and quickly returned to the seat behind me.

The late bell rang. And class began. Our teacher, Ms. Speaks, came in and passed out a worksheet and began to review last nights homework. I didn't pay any attention to it. After about five minutes, Josh slide a piece of paper onto my desk. It said: "are you okay?" In a cursive handwriting I would soon remember.

We passed notes that whole period. I found out he and that girl had been broken up a while and that he wasn't handling it well. But he distracted me. I laughed and smiled. And since the class was block, I had 2 hours to spend doing that with him. I forgot about Lelia and what she said and the past.

The last five minutes of class came far too soon. He handed me a small piece of paper with his name and a phone note and the words, "text me tonight" .


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed chapter one. There will be more to come. Comment and let me know what you think? I would love to hear it💖

Love you,

Mrs. Treadway 💍

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