One night, Micheal Bay was resting in his mansion thinking of movie ideas for the next Transformers when the Micheal alarm goes off. Micheal Bay and his sidekick, Micheal Bublé, runs to the Bay Cave telling Bill the Cosby to keep the house clean. The two drive off to ADVENTURE!
Going to the scene of the crime where a man dressed in a bear suit over a penguin suit is robbing a bank, none other than, Nicolas Cage, when Bay and Bublé enter the scene. Cage goes at them making Bear puns till he gets punch by Bay and tied up by Bublé music note boomerang stopping Cage. Revealing himself to be, The Penguin, then to be no other than, Nicolas Cage. Before the duo leaves the scene they read a note left on the car.
They drive to the park, finding the TWIST. They were clowns with question marks tossing water balloons filled with PLOT TWIST IDEAS. The duo goes and take down the clowns getting another letter. They were on their way to the location when Bublé finds the next TWIST. A guy with a penguin suit with a business suit over it holding a brief case. Bublé tells Bay as the businessman fires a rocket from the brief case at them.
Luckily, they launched into the air with Bay landing on the businessman revealing him to be, Nicolas Cage. Who punches him and runs away making PENGUIN PUNS. Bublé catches him by singing, All I Want for Christmas Is You, causing Cage to return telling them what he always wanted for Christmas. Before being knocked out and sent to jail again.
They shortly find the next TWIST Manoj Night Shyamalan with his gang of TWISTS. The Unbreable TWISTER, Bruce Willis, The Village TWISTER, Bryce Dallas Howard, and The After TWISTER, Jaden Smith. His minions goes at them only to get taken out by the Micheals. Shyamalan tries to get away only to get caught by Bublé and his musical note, then punched out by Bay. With him arrested, the duo returns home being greeted by their butlers, the SONY Executives waiting for the next script.
Bay heads to his room to work on his next masterpiece. When the Micheal alarm goes off. The duo drive off once more to discover. George Lucas and Jar Jar Binks are destroying the Movie Studios with Jake Lloyd blinding himself with sand trying to get away from his past. When Bay and Bublé enters the scene. The two are ambushed by Jar Jar.
Hanging out a pit of NICKELEON SLIM. Which legend has it, anyone who is dipped in the SLIM is demoted to CHILDREN ONLY FILMS. After hearing it, Bay swinging back and forth aggressively getting cut free by Bublé landing on Jar Jar as Jake out of blindness falls into the slim. The two pursue Lucas only for Bublé to be taken out revealing the adventurer, Harrison Ford, and Lucas at the end of the hallway.
Bay and Lucas would duke it out as Bublé would break free and take out Ford. Lucas activates the time bomb that would blow up the factory. Bay tells Bublé to leave. Now Bay and Lucas duking it out. Micheal activates his ultimate power, EXPLOSIONS. Destroying the factor and creating a massive EXPLOSION worrying Bublé. When the smoke cleared, Bay had defeated Lucas calling his movies inferior before letting the cops take him away.
Before they retire, they are stopped by Chris Tucker, Melissa McCarthy, and Kristen Wiig, who didn't like how they defeated Lucas. They would proceed to charge at each other, stopping similarly to Rocky hearing the last words "Can You Act, You Will".
In the office of Disney CEO, Mickey Mouse, after hearing the pitch he denies them saying the movie sucks. With Shyamalan in the background who would say "What a Twist" before the Micheals are told to leave. They would then pitch it to SONY Exec, Bubsy the Bobcat, who accepts it. Gives them money, and on opening day. It bombs with 0 stars and a 0 metacritic score plus 0 Tomatometer. Bay careers ends their.
After the credits, Shyamalan hand is seen taking the script saying "What a Twist" slowly and assuringly as if a sequel going to happen.
Adventure of Micheal Bay and Micheal Bublé v Chris Tucker
General FictionA parody of 60s Batman featuring MICHEAL BAY and MICHEAL BUBLE as Batman and Robin along with other actors as a hilarious fiction. An outline of the story.