Chapter 1: 2002

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Jack powered up his computer and the jingle sound played, In his senior year of high school. Jack logs onto the instant messaging on his computer and changes his profile image. His profile emoticon was a Lord of the Rings with a BIG yellow circle behind the white text. He also changed his screen name to BoopyDoopy. He sees that his friend wants to chat. He accepts and blue text says that emerly35 has logged on.


emerly35 has signed in

BoopyDoopy: Emily! Hello

emerly35: Hi!

emerly35: I love those movies!

BoopyDoopy: What movies?

emerly35: Your icon silly! I love the Lord of the rings.

BoopyDoopy: Thanks! Me too.

emerly35: so whats up?

Jack thinks of the stupidest answer he could think of.

BoopyDoopy: The Ceiling! What are you up to?

emerly35: haha! nothing really, just listening to some music =]

Jack smirks to himself, and thinks about what kind of music she could be listening to. Then another message pops up on the screen.

emerly35: do you like coldplay?

BoopyDoopy: i dont really know, ive never really listened to them

emerly35: you should definitely listen to them!! I really like them, their lyrics are in my info

emerly35: are you going to Travis's party tonight?

Jack decides to look at her info card and read what it says...

Emerly35's info

we live in a beautiful world.

yeah we do

yeah we do

~ coldplay ~

Why fear death, just because you know the song will end is that any reason not to listen. xXx

Jack thought to himself like, man that actually got me thinking.

"That's a really good quote" Jack said out loud for his brother , Steve, and his friend , Pete.

Pete asks, "What is?"

"Oh nothing," Jack says quietly, "its just a thing that this girl wrote."

"A GIRL?" Steve says very loud and dramatic.

They run off and Jack finally gets back to emily.

emerly35: hello? are you going to travis's party tonight?

BoopyDoopy: Well, it depends if youre going

emerly35: lol, well i am so you should go

emerly35: its crazy that were already having end of school parties

BoopyDoopy: Yeah, time flew by this year, college is so close!

He talks to himself I wonder about the future and nature. Because im so deep like that

emerly35: I know it! im excited. i am so over this school =p

emerly35: like you know Brad from our math class? he won't stop messaging me right now

BoopyDoopy: what's he saying?

emerly35: that he wants to talk or something? im not really paying attention :p

emerly35: oh man, just one more month to graduation, were so old!

BoopyDoopy: haha, yeah im so excited for college, did you pick a school yet?

emerly35: eh, i didnt get accepted into the school i wanted, but i did get my 4th choice. so im just going to that one.

emerly35: but thats okay! anythings better than high school. where are you gonna go?

BoopyDoopy: a buisness school, i want to start a company but i dont really know where to start :p

emerly35: thats crazy! if anyone could do it, you could. im sure youll be really succesful.




emerly35: even though we're going to different schools, will you promise me that youll be there for me?

BoopyDoopy: absolutley! nothing could keep me from talking to you, you're one of my best friends

emerly35: and youre one of mine too! you always will be jack =]

A door closing sound plays in the background

emerly35: oh wow, its getting late! i hope julie gets here soon so we can head to the party.

BoopyDoopy: Are you leaving soon?

emerly35: yeah, as soon as julie gets here. then were both heading to travs party... if your coming too you should probably leave soon, will i see you there?

BoopyDoopy: yeah, definitely!

emerly35: awesome! im going to go get ready and wait for julie. hopefully brad stops messaging me once i put my away message up. :p

emerly35: See you soon!

BoopyDoopy: see ya there

Big bold blue text appears on the screen saying


Emily is awayWhere stories live. Discover now