All Against Me But Him

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Well this is my first story so I hope you like it. Happy reading!!!!


I was in a back yard, the man who made my life the way it is at my side. As we creeped up the people's back porch me taking a crouched position on the fence as Jacob jumping up on the roof. He tapped on the window.

We waited for the teenage girl to come to the door, but little did she know these would be her last steps. Specking inside her head I told her to step out the door. Like an oblivious teenager she did without a seconds glance. As her foot met the dark wooden porch we moved I sink at her killing her and running off into the not yet harvested field behind her house.

The house was stunning. It had four floors, a dark wooden, white railed porch in the back and granite rock and multi-colored flowers in the front. The house it self was white with dark brown accents on the windows.

We ran far into the field, but not too far. Making it look like she took a walk, and being that she was currently dead she was heavy and looked delicious. Jacob set her down so I followed in suit. With the girl one the ground we decided the we make it look like an animal got to her, our favorite disguise. So we started eating her fleshly muscles. The hot, tender, bloodied meat was the best meal I've had in weeks. I ate so fast some of her blood trickled on to my chest.

"You have something here" Jacob said pointing to his chest.

"Yeah your heart" I said back.

"Haha very funny, here let me get it for you." He said leaning over the body never breaking eye contact with me. Putting his head down by the slowly running stream of blood. Closeing in on it he closed his eye and his tongue shot out to meet my chest licking the blood off slowly. He followed the stream of blood up my neck to my jaw bone then opened his eyes and continued to right before my lips then stopped. "I think I got it ...
Uumm what do we do with her."

"Thank you. Hhumm," I cleared my throat and began to speak in a quiet voice ,"she's for the dogs lets go."

"Yeah let's get a deer or something." Jacob said standing up to his normal height of about 6'2''. Standing up as well my head only coming to his shoulder a wapping 5'4''.

We grabbed hands and flickered to a desolate forest in Montana. The hunting was always flourishing with different animals like deer and elk. Smelling the air, the sent of deer, drinking in a watering hole, to my left about 2 miles. Looking at Jacob see he also smelt the deer, I motioned to go and we took off towards it. As we got closer we split up trapping the deer between us. I squatted down and studied the deer for a minute before its head perked up, and I pounced tackling the animal as Jacob lunged at it killing the animal in a swift snap of its neck. We ate the deer in complete silence. When we finished we grabbed hands again flickering to my hidden cave ( house )in the badlands of North Dakota.

I walked in the door of my cave to find my brothers standing in the living room arms crossed and furious. I have four brothers Alexander, Elliott, Jaden and Lucas.

Alex was the oldest(25),then Jaden (21) and Elliott (17) is two years apart from Lucas (15) the youngest of us all. I'm (19) stuck in the middle of Jaden and Elliott.

Alex was the first the speak up "Kristen we need to talk alone Jacob needs to go home."

"What is this about Alex?" I asked

"First the trash goes out of your house." Alex snarled."

Jaden walked over to Alex putting his hand on Alex's shoulder

"You know just as well as I do. Jacob is one of us, and by calling him trash your calling us trash." Jaden said all to calmly.

"Point proven, but he must go home!" Alex said in a stern voice.

"Alright I'll go tell him to go home. Be right back." Then walked out of my home to see Jacob was still standing by his car that has been here sense we went out hunting. He was leaning against it the car was slick Shelby Mustang Gt., with  black gloss paint and sub lime green splattered acid eroding as a paint job.

"Jake you have to go home." I said looking down "I'm sorry." I said sadly.

"I know."

"You do, how?"

"I smelt them and then herd the whole conversation. Your brothers really hate me, don't they?"

"I'm not sure anymore Jacob. Thanks for hunting with me I don't like going alone."

"Your welcome Kris. I'll see you soon, yeah."

"Yeah bye, Jake."


I walked back into the cave after watching him drive out of the drive way. "Now what was so important that he had to leave."

"Alex feels threatened by him, and we fell the tension as well. You can not see him anymore Kristen we're sorry." Elliott said wearily.

"He's my best friend. And your saying I can't see him, and this is all because you don't like him. Sometimes I don't get you guys. Why are you here in the first place you all live on your own?" I asked.

"We can't come visit our sister and have a little family time?" Questioned Lucas.

"Okay, yeah I like visits but tell me when you are gonna call a family meeting. Now days people text when they wanna get together."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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