workout ❥

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ethan takes you with him to the gym

"So, why did you bring me again?" you ask ethan, who is looking extremely sexy in his gym outfit.

"You're home alone this week and I didn't want you to be lonley. Plus, you need a little bit of exercise." he says jokingly and you look at him in shock.

"Are you calling me fat, Ethan?" you look at him, waiting for an answer.

"What? No, of course not!" he says, his eyes focused on the road while looking rather nervous.

"babe, i'm joking! I know you didn't mean it like that." you laugh, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers.

he sighs in relief and you feel him relax.

"Here we are." Ethan says, pulling up to the huge recreation center.

"oh god." you groan, "why? seriously, you know I hate any type of exercise."

"come on, y/n! i'm pretty sure you can deal with a little bit of moving." ethan laughs, making you smile.

"do I have to?" you whined, "can't I just watch you?"

he laughs and rolls his eyes, "of course you can watch me." he winks.

"great!" you grin, grabbing his hand and leaning against him, excited to watch him workout.

you knew that watching ethan workout would be the highlight of your day, considering you had been watching netflix before this.

when you walk in, you notice the girl at the desk eyeing up ethan, I mean, the girl was basically ripping his clothes off with her eyes.

you immediately grip ethan's hand a little tighter, and you noticed ethan smirk a little bit.

"Welcome! Do you have a membership card?" the girl asked, ignoring you completely.

"Yeah, right here." ethan answered politely, handing the girl his card.

you got a little bit frustrated at ethan for being so nice to the girl, but you didn't stay anything about it.

"Great, thank you." she said, scanning his card and returning it back to him, "Have a nice day!" she grinned and ethan raised his eyes at her.

"And my girlfriend?" He asked and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah." she said, looking you in the eye. "Do you have a card?" she asked you with an obviously fake smile.

"Unfortunately, yes." you smiled right back, handing her the card you had.

she scanned it, looking annoyed, "Have a great day!" she said, writing something and then sliding a piece of paper towards ethan.

"Oh, thanks," ethan told the girl, crumpling up the peice of paper that obviously had her number on it, and putting it in the trash, "but, I already have a girlfriend and frankly, i'd like to keep her." he smiles at the girl, and begins to walk away, pulling me along with him.

"You literally just crushed her dreams." you laughed and said, "but thank you."

"you're my girl, i'd do anything for you." he says with a wink and you blush.

"how did I get so lucky?" you thought.

"so, ready to watch me workout?" ethan asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"definitely!" you giggle as you walk into an empty room with a mat on the floor.

you sit down on the mat, crossing your legs and ethan got in front of you, doing push-ups.

The rest of the day consisted of you taking secret pictures of ethan and watching him workout.

to sum it up, it had been a great day for you.

a/n -- wow this is crappy buy sa'll good. I thought the idea was cute so yeah...hope you somewhat enjoyed that!

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