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What he looks on this perspective is hard to change.
I don't know whether can I change it anyway.

School. Again. Final year is coming, and I study so hard to achieve the best.

It was windy. It's only raining season but it gets a lot of winds, I feel cold actually. My short--literally really short hair was waved by the gusty wind, and my knees-level skirt then lifted for 1/4 part, in which of my suprise. So I quickly pulled down it, before anyone else could freaking see it.

My thought flows somewhere. Then a thought about him was up to my mind. Like there was nothing else to be thought again.

I love that guy. He was different. He's cool, amazingly attractive, and...

Well, that's not how it goes.

He is such an unique boy who to you seemingly freak. He likes those japanese stuffs, I do too. But not as maniac as him. He is kind, the most typical characteristic boy whom girls wanted. He's independent and also good in organizing.
Again, those aren't not the true things

Final book year photo session.
Yeah! Finally it comes for I've been waiting for ages.
Me and my other club friends were getting ready to pose for our so-photo session, and I was ready to present my biggest-and probably the happiest smile ever.
" Can I be here? " he asks. Oh please, just be here beside me!

I couldn't help my heart to want him beside me. It was really foolish. Doing such thing would make me look like I was those girls who helplessly chase after him, so instead I was just

"Go. Shoo" I said jokingly but with cold-facade

He just lets himself being pushed. How fool

Few moments later, he just turned his back, while looking me with an unknownlingly smile.

What? He smiled to me?

"Wow, dontcha realize that time goes on really fast? And suddenly we were to be the senior"

"Time does fly. But there things I worry, things I regret"

He said in a chat. Final year was 14 days left based on my count, but now I couldn't help to pat him on shoulder, to let him know that we, but sinisterly me will always be on his side, to sincerely share his burdens and his thoughts after longtime he has been the chief of our club.

But, somehow I can't
Different. This word has always been suitable to describe us, or maybe just him. He was mysterious, yet alert. But also seemingly hard to get, and annoying down to earth.

I realize there are thin chances that I will be his. I'm not his dream girl;who wears those feminine dresses, beautiful long hair, and moe or soft voice like he likes in his stupid idol members. I will never be that feminine girl, I will be never be.

Because, símplemente es quo soy diferente
"Androme! Ruth! Do you want your club's jackets? " My friend, Finn shouts from near

"Of course, where are them?" I rose from my previous sitting position

"Already in Ruth tho" he says flatly

Shit. That was quick.

"Here's your jacket, androme" Androme. How I miss my bestfriends even him calling me Androme. My actual name is Andromeda to be precise. My club friends and my close friends usually call me Androme for I don't know why they call me that.

Jess, my another popular--yet full of gossips club friend then suddenly pops up to see the jacket.

"The jacket looks good here, I wanna try can I? " she asks with her pop sugar voice

"Yeah, you can" Ruth replies giving hands on Jess' request

Jess then put the jacket on her slim-- I mean skinny because she is actually lighter than me, and started showing it off to her other famous--literally those noisy stupid people.

"Aha, whatcha' think bout my club jacket?"

"It looks stupid"

Stupid? I think y'all who are stupid instead

"F**k you are right! I was better wearin' that red jacket than this!"

Well, I know that I wanna punch her on her face, but I just can't.

I really remember my high school time which is full of dumbass and hilarious moments. I remember him, but he's nowhere in this town. We are all now in college, separated but still I meet some of my close friends.

He went studying abroad, deep down I wished him not to be far from me, but for the sake of him, I let him go.

Today's is windy too. The weather makes me my brain do rewind, back to the time where I wanna meet my friends again--no. My best friends and literally him.

Gusty wind made my short--my still really short hair unruly. I don't wear my previous school skirt, but I wear my favorite jeans since I've graduated from high school.

My phone suddenly vibrates. I took it casually from my pocket then saw the message which makes me suprised.

Androme, I'm really sorry for all this time. I just realized it. I wanna tell you something...

Wait, what? It couldn't be him right? Cause I know I can't get him, since we were like yin and yang, created really different but can never unite.

Today, I can't help but to cry foolishly yet sweepily in my long-awaited moment

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