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I stepped off train with bags in hand, I can't believe I actually moved to New York. I grabbed my Luggage and went up the stairs to get a better view of the station to try and see my driver. Oh wait let me introduce myself...

I'm Blake Ivory, Australian born and bred, now moving to New York to pursue my career in music. I have my dad, mum, 2 sisters and 2 brothers, thankfully I'm the middle child. I am 18 years old. My mum left when I was young to do god knows what, but I'm fine with her not being in my life. There is another reason I decided to move across the world for a music career but that is one thing, no one will ever know...

I spotted a man in a suite holding  sign that said Miss, Ivory. I made my way down the stairs, when I bumped into a beautiful blonde bombshell, she was stunning and looked familiar. 

"Oh my- I am uh so so sorry." She said helping me pick up my luggage that had fallen down the stairs.

"Oh no don't be silly, it's fine really." I said helping her up from the ground. "I'm Blake Ivory" I said 

"Hi, I'm Serena." there was a moment of silence. "Serena Vanderwoodsen." She said hugging me. Oh okay she is a hugger. I looked at my magazine I was reading on the train ride from the airport. There she was, a photo of this girl was on the front page. 

"Well, it is nice to meet you Serena, but I must go find my driver so he can take me to the hotel." I said picking up my suitcases and descending the staircase.

"Which hotel?" She asked

"Uh The Empire." I said 

"Oh, here I'll take you, my stepbrother owns it." She said, I laughed. "what?" She asked

"Oh nothing, but I'm guessing your stepbrother is about 18 or 19 and he owns a hotel? Wow my brother was not kidding when he said the UES is rich and successful." I said still half laughing. She joined in on the laughing.

"Yeah it is true, the Upper East Side, is full of rich kids with loads of money who take over family business and become a billionaire by 19." She said obviously referring to her Stepbrother. 

We got into her limo and arrived in front of the hotel, it was actually really good looking. A man opened the door for me and I smiled while we entered the hotel, I followed Serena into the bar, she sat down next to a brown haired, brown eyed guy, who had amazing sense in fashion. I normally never say this but damn he was hot and mighty fine. 

"Hey Chuck." Serena said greeting the boy.

He turned around to face her but then got a shocked face when he saw me. He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. "Chuck Bass, it's a pleasure." He said with a smirk, I turned to my left and saw Serena trying not to laugh. I then rolled my eyes.

"Nice to meet you Chuck." I said."Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get my room number." I said walking to the front desk, I got my number off the guy at the desk and was heading to the elevator when Chuck joined me in the elevator. 

"So you didn't give me your name." He said

"Oh I know I didn't." I said smirking. He looked at me confused but also amused. "What? Was I supposed to?" I said 

He nodded, "It would have been helpful." He said. I tried my very best to hold in a laugh when the elevator got to my floor, "Nice seeing you again, we need to catch up." He said 

"Oh, we could but you don't have my name." i said walking away and heading to my door. 

I walked in a dropped my bags on the floor, I looked around my hotel room, it was actually so nice, I sat on the end of my bed and rang my brother.

On the phone:

A- Andrew    B-Blake

B: Hey

A: Hi Blake, hows New York?

B: Yeah it is really good.

A: Made any friends?

B: Andy, I've been off the train for like and hour and a half.

A: So that's a yes blakey?

B: You know me too well.

A: Yeah you social butterfly, well what are their names?

B: Well, I met this really pretty blonde at the train station, Serena. and I met her stepbrother, uh Chuck I think his name is. 

A: well good, wait Serena Vanderwoodsen and Chuck Bass? 

B: Yeah why?

A: Blake, I don't wanna have to tell you this on the phone but I guess I have too.

B: Tell me what?

A: Dad wasn't happy with you going to New York, because we have relatives up there, well half relatives. 

B: What are you talking about?

A: Before dad met mum, he slept with some woman named Lily Rhodes, then she was Vanderwoodsen, then she was Bass and now she is Humphrey. This Lily chick, is Serena's mother and Chuck's stepmother.

B: Oh okay, wait so I'm related to them? 

A: Yeah, look call me later, I have to go back to work. 

He then hung up, I just laid on my bed trying to compress what my brother just told me. 

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