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Thank you all for reading this book. I have based it on real life but all of it is made up I promise you.
  I would like to give special thanks to so many people but I'm not going to waste your time.
Ceri who has helped me through life and given me lots of help for this book and is truly like a sister to me.

(~Ceri was here~ She is also very fabulous and really deserves a whole page of acknowledgements to herself really but ah well. And don't you dare delete this part of mine, it is a piece of art right here.)

Jack who is my amazing young one, hope you enjoyed this story about how I fell in love with you, no one could ever replace you.
Oliver you have created a amazing bad boy in this book and it is fun to write about your terrible down fall (no offence) hope you loved it.
Alisha thank you for being such a great friend and I do love you no matter what happens.
Joe and Elishia, you are great friends and I truly believe you have the cutest relationship I have ever seen.
Theresa, Steph, April, Charlotte and Julia thanks for being great friends and giving me great advice on my first book. Couldn't have lived with out you all.
Finally Thank you to all you readers if it wasnt for you i wouldnt be writing these books. Hope you enjoyed it!

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