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It's had been 2 months since the accident. Finally, you had gone to take the cast off that morning and now we're playing animal jam.

You had avoided talking to James, even though he had texted you a couple times. You had just wanted to avoid the awkwardness, and were unsure of what to say to him.

When your mom had asked you why you were running through your neighbors backyard in the middle of the night, you lied. Holland had covered up for you, once you told her what really happened. Your mom had believed you and not said anything since.

Your phone buzzed on the counter. The message read

Aparri: hello?

You sighed and picked it up and stared at the screen. Should you respond? You can't keep going on like this, you've got to respond.

You: hey..

Aparri: hi

You: well this is awkward..

Aparri: well you haven't answered my texts...why?

How were you going to say this? You didn't want to make it too awkward, but you wanted to make sure that he knew what you were talking about.

You: well.. Um...there was this situation about two weeks ago...and well I was chasing this thing and I fell and broke my I guess I didn't really have time to text.

It took him a while to respond

Aparri: oh god that sucks...
Aparri: well what were you chasing?

You: well um...
You: I thought I was chasing..... Um well I though I was chasing you

No response. You waited and waited, but no text appeared on the screen. Finally you gave up and began playing aj again.

Your phone buzzed. The message said

Aparri: well..funny that was me..

Wow guys.. I did it! I'm going to finish this story soon so I don't loose interest completely! Ok guys, I've got to go...I got a date with my boyfriend, his name is Food😂🐢jk guys jk. Anyways byeeeeeee


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