My Brother Jerome

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Hi. My name is Alexis. I live in an orphanage. I have two sisters, but they got adopted a long time ago, by two people who said “We want two young girls and not a teenager”, they where nice, but not to me... I guess.

So it’s just me, and my pillow. Oh, I forgot, I have a boyfriend, my pillow! He’s perfect. He doesn’t have any emotions. He’s not knaggy. He’s…just…PERFECT!!!

Ok, I got carried away there, so sorry.

Any ways, I spend about…23 hours a day in my bedroom. I only leave my room for food and bathroom things.

Moving on,

So a day or two passed, people saying regular things, me doing my regular routine, you know, regular things.

But one day, the owner of the orphanage, Mrs Kelly told us that there is a family, coming to adopt us. For us, that was strange. Our orphanage was away from everything, and everyone. Ya, I know I don’t have friends, but in this orphanage, no one is mean, no one really has friends…

Anyways, I was sat on my bed, my laptop open, in front of me. I heard a knock at my door. I got off my bed, and walked to the door. Lisa, one of the girls in the orphanage, was standing there.

“Mrs Kelly asked for you to come down. The family that is adopting is down there”, she told me, playing with the dirty brown hair. I nodded my head, as if to say “Ok”. Lisa left, and went down the marble stair case, which was located about 5 feet from my bedroom.

I put on my dark blue converse, and walked out my bedroom door, down the stairs, and into the great hall.

“Well Alex, nice of you to join us. Go into your group so we can start.” Mrs Kelly told me as I entered.

I walked to my group. See our orphenage, when in the adoption process, is; we are sorted in to groups of; gender and age. So on one side of the room there are boys, on the other side, girls. Then the ages are 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-14 and 14-18. I was in my group: 14-18, me being 16.

“Now. Is there any specific gender or age you would like?”, she asked, I presume, whoever gets adopted, mother and father.

“Um…Yes”, the man spoke up. “A girl…around the ages of 15 to 17”, he finished.

“Ok then. All the boys on, and also all the girls that aren’t in the 14-18 group”, Mrs Kelly told us.

They started going around, asking what ages we were and our names. Them telling us their names. And they finally got to me,

“Hello, my name is Mrs Aceti. Now, what is your name?” the mother of the family asked me.

“Um, my name is Alexis, but call me Alex…” I told her,

“That’s a beautiful name Alex”, she told me, “Now, what age are you?” she finished,

“Thanks…I’m 16”, I told them. They whispered a bit to each other then looked back at me again,

“Do you have any…hobbies…or anything?” Mr Aceti asked me,

“Um ya. I love playing video games and listening to music”, I told them. They looked at each other and nodded.

“Ok, thank you Alex”, the walked to the next person and went on.

After talking to all of us, they told Mrs Kelly who they liked. Mrs Kelly nodded. I know I’m not gonna be one of the few they picked.

“OK, everyone, listen up. Only three got pick, so if I don’t say your name, you must leave the room. Ok, the people are…Samantha Oak, Rhiannon Bohn and Alexis Smith.”, she told us. Like I said, she wouldn’t…wait…she said my name…HAHA. I MIGHT BE GETTING ADOPTED. Ok, calm down. “Everyone but Sam, Ri and Alex, please go”, she told the others.   After a few minutes, everyone was gone, except Sam, Ri and myself.   “Ok. Now Mr and Mrs Aceti are gone getting there other children. There is a girl and a boy."

(AN- ok I’m not sure if he does have a brother and a sister, but none of the wikis said he does or doesn’t…oh well.)”

Mrs Kelly told us as 4 people walked into the hall. There was Mr and Mrs Aceti and girl about 9 or 10 and a boy around 15 or 16. Neither of them looked like they wanted to be there.   “This is Chloe” Mrs Aceti told us and pointed at the girl, “And this is Jerome”, she added, pointing at the boy.   After the introductions, we talked and Jerome and I had a lot in common, well, we both loved video games.   “Ok girls, so Mr and Mrs Aceti have decided who they are going to adopt”, she told us. Sam Ri and I stood up. “Ok, so Sam…Could you please leave”, she told Sam,   “Am I getting adopted?” Sam asked Mrs Kelly,   “Sorry no”, Mrs Kelly told Sam, “Ri, same with you, could you please go”,   “Wait, am I getting adopted?” I asked Mrs Kelly,

“Yup!” she told me, “Go pack your things, I need to get Mr and Mrs Aceti to sign some papers”, she finished.   I ran upstairs and put all my belongings in my pink rollie bag. I also put some important things in my dark blue back pack and a few things like some clothes and Mr Pillow in an orange and red duffle bag. I threw my back pack over my shoulder and then took my rollie bag and duffle bag. I basically left none of my things behind. I had photos and jewlerey etc, in my duffel bag. I really took everything because knowing everyone in this orphanage, when someone gets adopted, that person’s room gets raided for anything. I made sure I had everything (even my hidden money under my mattress). I even left a note in my drawer that says,   TROLL LOL LOL LOL, :3 -Alex   Yup, Ima troll.  

I said good bye to my room and walked out, down the marble stairs, which was hard, and to the door. I found Chloe and Jerome waiting for me there. Jerome took my rollie bag, like the gentleman he is. Chloe opened the door for us and we walked to a black SUV. Again, Chloe opened the boot for us (I don’t know what the Americans call a boot…the trunk? Idk.) I put all my stuff in the boot, and closed it again. I got into the back seat of the car with Jerome and Chloe And Mr Aceti started the car and started to drive off.   We got to a big-ish house, “This is your new house now”, Mrs Aceti told me,   “Ok”, I replied. Well what am I supposed to say?   “Take your bags inside, Jerome will show you to your room”, Mrs Aceti also said.   Jerome took my rollie bag. The rest of the family had gone inside. Jerome and I walked up to the door, and he should me around the house, finally we got to my room.   “This will be your room. I will leave you here to un pack and what not”, he told me, as he left my rollie bag down and left. The walls where a turquoise blue and a light-ish purple. I un packed all my stuff. I took my photos, and stuck them up on the wall.

 }{}{}{}{}{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}3 Years Later (HAHAHAHA){}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{

Chloe, Jerome and I sat on the sofa, listening to our Mom and Dad fighting. Lately they have been fighting a lot.   “Alex, I’m going to Mitch’s house do you want to come? I’m going to leave Chloe at her friend’s house, so if you stay here you will be all alone”, Jerome told me.   “Uh…sure, I don’t wanna be here when all hell breaks loose”, I answered. “Ok, get whatever you need and leggo”, he said. I grabbed my uggs and some money and walked out of the house. Jerome was already waiting in his car, with Chloe.


AN- Sarah here, and I’m going to write Alex’s POV and I don’t know what the other two are doing xD so ya, hope you enjoy PEACE OUT -Sarah

BROTAYTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3

AN-Hey guys Roxie here and this is going to be our first story on this joint account we've never done anything with this idea so ya oh BTW Bella isn't in the call with us so she no get to be in the note BYE -Roxie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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