The Only Part

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Once upon a time there were a bunch of people in America. These happened to be an alien invasion at the same time. Here are some of the reactions:

"Privates!" The general called, marching up and down along the row of fresh recruits. "There's been a sighting of an unidentified flying object near California. You are all to repor- why are you laughing?"

A chorus of laughter was spreading through the soldiers, and one of them managed to get it together and shout: "Sir! The UFO! It looks like a giant..."



"Yes, Ma?"

"How many times have I told you not to leave the turkey in the refrigerator?"

"Sorry Ma, I was on autopilot today after that thing I saw!"

Richard and his mother looked up at the sky, only for a looming presence to glide over them. The flying object could not have been of human origin, for the technology and the architectural design was too advanced and too politically incorrect for humans to make.

"Good Lord!" Dick's mother said. "That thing there looks like an enormous..."


"Chode! La lorem ipsum Chode! La lorem ipsum Chode!"

Father Max looked down at his young group of Catholics. The Choir had performed extremely well these last few weeks, as one of his best singers had been sick. He looked up at the spacious, glass ceiling of the church interior, and thought to himself. Suddenly, one of the younger boys, Timmy, aged a mere 10 years old, came up to him and said:

"Father Maxie, what is that thing up there?"

"Why Timmy, that there is one of gods creations!"

"Father Maxie, why would god make something that looks like a giant..."



"Where?" The birdwatcher put down his goggles and keenly looked at the trees they were watching. His wife, named John, said:

"No, silly! Your name! Pecker! There's this thing up there, it's definitely not in the birdwatching book, and it looks like a massive..."


"Troy! That cursed city shall fall under Rome's power!" The history re-enactor said. There were shouts and jeers, and curses and cheers as they guided the mock Trojan horse into the mock city.

However, he couldn't help but notice that there was a shadow slowly growing over the grass field. He shouted: "Everybody run! There is a flying object, sent by the gods [he wanted to stay in character] and it is a ginormous set of Zeus'..."



It was at this point the aliens realized that they had trapped the humans in a time loop, and that their dick jokes were not going to last forever.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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