Chapter 1

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Amber and Rufus deconstructed the set from their last show. They didn't enjoy this occupation, but neither of them knew much magic and with Rufus being struck with that transmutation curse, they couldn't be workers. I mean, who wants to hire a ferret and a little girl? So they just have to deal with performing degrading tricks in the Market Square for now. One thing they both despise, is the snotty, greasy street children asking, "Can I PWEASE pat your pet?" Usually followed by Rufus reprimanding them by saying, "Oi! I am not some show pony! This a two person job bucko, just because I'm a lesser animal doesn't mean I'm a lesser being. Also, this isn't a weird thing to happen, I mean my friend's grandma was turned into a cow for a week which suited her way too much..."

Life was rough, but not torture. Some days they wouldn't eat, often Rufus and Amber would have to resort to stealing food. If they were really lucky, they would get something sweet like a bun or even a meat puff, but that was very rare. Sleeping room was never a problem, as long as there was enough room for one of them, they were fine. The rags used for their clothing were easy to steal, as Rufus could sneak under the stall and take the desired material. Rufus would wear a velvet red vest without pants, because in his eyes no one really cared if an animal wore clothing, it's just one perk of being a ferret. Amber wore a jet black hooded cloak and dark green trousers.

The duo enjoyed testing their skills and athletic prowess, often hunting vangar. They were sneaky and cunning, vangar are annoying winged creatures, they would often use their tough bald heads as a defence mechanism. Swooping and diving trying to scare the weak and fearful. The trick is to get them low, that way they get confused.

Today was just a usual hunt, until screams of horror interrupted the chase. Amber and Rufus came to an abrupt halt, letting the two vangar they were chasing escape the clutches of the dashing duo. They rushed to the aid of the troubled few to find a glistening carriage, covered with rich, vibrant reds and gleaming, glorious golds. There was one huge creature with an oily exterior , tiny ruby red eyes no bigger than peas and a huge gaping mouth with thousands of teeth. The beast was the size of a bus and had skin that could hide any shadow with ease.

The beast was rocking the carriage back and forth with great force, tearing the vehicle apart. A coachman was torn from his post and thrown brutally; barbarically. The beast bellowing towards the poor soul. Rufus and Amber dashed to the aid of the man. Rufus lept onto the oily back of the beast, taking one bite into the monster. The creature attempted to buck Rufus off. Amber prying into the door, to find a lion-esk creature with ram horns and bat wings. The lion creature galloped away from the wreckage. Rufus is knocked off as the monster charged at Amber. She quickly dodged out of the way, avoiding its powerful strike. She took a loose wheel from the now destroyed carriage, its golden paint glowing in the sun. the beast recovered and prepared to strike again. Amber braced herself. The beast rushed hitting a nearby rock. The beast was jumping up to destroy the reflection caused by the gold tint. Amber angled the reflection to lead the beast into a dark cave. The beast followed like a cat chasing a laser pointer. Rufus build a barrier with rocks to keep the beast from escaping once again. The Lion-esk creature followed him as if fascinated by the sight. Rufus and Amber turned around to see the noble creature bowing and wings outstretched. The two mount the creature and they fly off with grace. Not knowing where the creature was taking them but they were okay with that, they knew they'd be safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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