Chapter 19

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No ones PoV

"We're going to need another IV drip fill here!"
"Heart rate is unstable!"
"Stat? Clear?!"
"Heart rate rising once more sir!"
"Condition of child?"
"Stable, just only!"
"She is regaining her consciousness,"
"Breathing is stable sir,"
Doctors and nurses gather round Ella checking her condition. One minute she would regain consciousness the next she would be totally out. She was asleep the whole operation, she had to be on life support, as for her child, it wasn't looking good, one could only hope for a miracle.
Henna waited outside of the operation theatre, crying softly to herself and pacing. Praying in her mind, drinking a new cup of coffee to stop her levels of stress from shooting through the roof.

"Doc?! Is she alright? Have you done the operation? Is her baby ok?!" She grips onto his white jacket.
He places his hands on her wrist to move them away and gently informs her,
"I understand you are a friend to her?"
Henna nods,
"We've been trying for almost an hour to stable her condition now, she's been in and out of consciousness, but she had become stable for her child, well,"
Henna prays hard hoping for her child,

"She's lucky, as I am aware your friend was a fighter, she risked her own life for her child's, and for that reason, no major damage was placed upon her baby, but we are have to place medication through her tubes to help keep the baby healthy for a while, just until she is healthy enough, but she is fighting through, I suggest you try and get through to her family or partner, thank you," he nods at her and smiles
"Oh! Will I be...allowed to see her?" She fiddles with her fingers,
He nods towards Ella's room and walks back through a different ward.

Henna PoV

I open the door slowly and gently close it behind me. I'm welcomed by many machines I have no idea what they are or the names but they surrounded her, some attached by tubes injected to her veins and others prodded and poked into her arm and nose.
I inhale that typical hospital smell, of medicine and sadness. The room was empty, apart from Ella's bed, the machines a simple chair on the side and a case of sunflowers on the window pane. I place my coat behind the chair and sit beside her. I take hold of her hand and jump at the coldness of it.
She seemed so lifeless,
"Ella? It's me, Henna, can you open your eyes for me sweetheart?" I wiped my eyes quickly and tried again,
"Ella? How about...we think of some baby names? T-Tell me," my voice breaks and I try and hold it together,
"D-do you want a boy or a girl?....can I suggest a name? I quite like the name Hope, for a girl, do you know why? Because it reflects how you were, for your baby, you had hope.....Ella?..." I see the corner of her eyes glisten, a small tear falls from her eyes and I wipe it away, knowing she is fear in her sleep.
I squeeze her hand tighter,
"Ella, listen to me, honey your baby is safe, because of you! You saved your child Ella! Your going to be safe too," I sigh and soothe the back of her hand,

"I suggest you try and get through to her family and partner,"

I get up and pull out my phone, let's see, recent calls?
Ella called that scumbag before and I saved the number so I'll have to contact that bitch boy again.
I move into the corner so I'm not loud. I listen as it goes through and dials, looking over at Ella each time and sigh. 
I tap my hand softly on the pane of the window. Staring impatiently outside.
Until I hear him across the end of the phone,
J- "who is this?!"
I scoff at his bitchy tone,
I whisper yell through the end of the phone,
H- "don't you dare use that voice with me you....heartless dick!"
J- "what?! Who the fuck is this?!"
H- "Ella's friend, listen carefully to me you shithead!"
J- "I don't care if your Ella's dad, don't talk to me like a bitch,"
H- " wow, and to think Ella even wanted to convince you to help raise her child?" I quietly say down the phone,
J- " yeah? And I told her, I'm not gonna accept her or h-"
I cut him off before he says anything he will regret,
H-"her and her child almost died just now,"
There's silence on the other end,
J- "....s-she....what?"
I nod my head,
H- "you heard me, after coming back from the park when she "talked thing out" with you, she was in pieces and demanded I took her home, so I did, the next thing I hear? She got beaten up by some low life, I'm guessing her abusive dads new whore of a girlfriend, she got a blow to her stomach, but like the fighter she is, she protected her child, when you wouldn't....she tried
to support her child by herself, she's been on life support and operated on for an you should thank god she's alright, so, if you want to mend things, it's up to you, but don't make a decision you'll regret,"
With my last words I hang up and look back at a lifeless and pale Ella.

Hopefully I got through to that dumbass.

Ella PoV
I hear so many people around me but choose to ignore it and sleep some more.
What is the last thing I remember? I don't know, Serena, at home, she hurt me, then she-
I shot my eyes open and looked around me to see two machines by my side and tubes and bandages wrapped around my arm. Not again. I've managed to end up in hospital twice in a row.
I try and look around for any nurses or doctors or anyone.
I place my hand on my stomach and panic,
"My baby! My baby!!"
I cry and shout for anyone, a nurse walking past runs in and calms me down,
"shh dear, calm down, Miss....Lee?" She looks at my patient bored,
"Honey, your going to be alright," she seemed like she didn't care,
"You don't understand! M-my-" a doctor walks in with just then and looks down at me smiling warmly.
"Nurse can you get the....pills," was all I heard him mumble and she nods,
"Miss Lee I want you to take deep breaths, you just gave yourself a panic attack, we don't want that," she walks beside my IV drip and looks at the side of it, nodding and writing something down.

"Doctor,....m-my baby, what's-"
"Your baby is fine, you and your baby managed to fight through, don't worry," she smiled and took my arm,
"I'll get a nurse to remove these, I've checked your status report and your doing fine, please rest first and don't stress," she nods and places a form at the end of my bed.
I sit up and calm my breathing down,
I rub my stomach and look down with a tear in my eye,
"How are you baby? You doing ok? Mommy's alright, s-she needed some rest," I blink and let a tear fall onto the back of my palm. I smile to myself and thank god me and my child are doing ok.

"Ella?" I look up and my eyes widen in fear and confusion and sadness, what is he doing here? I gulp in fear but my throat becomes dry, why is he here?....

Omg?! What did you guys think? Sorry for the lame chapter I hope you guys liked it, I'm not 100% happy by it but hopefully things will spice up between Jason and Ella, if you know what I mean? *wink *wink!! So, thanks for all your lovely support, continue to comment as I love hearing from you guys and just your comments make me happy, vote for my chapters please? And keep reading and supporting me you lovely beings!!! Not edited I'm super sorry!!!! >~<

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