1st Meeting

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You were walking in the market until all of the sudden there was a blue haired boy about your age fondling your boobs. "Aladdin, Stop! You can't just fondle random people's body parts!" Screamed a boy with golden blond hair. "But, why can't I, Alibaba?!" The boy apparently named Aladdin whined. "Because Aladdin its-" "Anyway, who are who?" Aladdin interrupted, his deep blue eyes glazing into yours. "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." You introduced yourself. "I'm Aladdin, and that's Alibaba!" The blue haired boy said, stepping away from your body while the blond waved. "It was very nice to meet you Aladdin, Alibaba, but as much as I would like to spend more time with you, I have to finish shopping." You said with a smile. "Awe!" Aladdin pouted but waved as you walked away. Aladdin huh? He's cute.

Alibaba Saluja
Being a princess is hard. You thought to yourself. Always having to sit up straight don't talk-"Oof!" You exclaimed as you bumped into someone. "Ah I'm sorry!" You heard a boy yell. Next thing you knew you were being fondled by a little blue haired child. "EHH?!" You screamed. "Aladdin, no!!" Another boy yelled as he yanked the child from your bosom. "Please forgive my friend, he has a problem!" He exclaimed as he forced the blue haired boy to bow. As the boy and the pervert stood back up you got a better look at him. He was blond, with brown eyes, slightly muscular, and had a cute cowlick. "Um, miss?" He asked slightly blushing. "Are you ok?" You rapidly shake your head yes and back away beet red. As soon as you had reached a corner in the hallway you ran away as fast as you could. Ah he totally knew I was checking him out!! You squeal in your head.

Hakuryuu Ren
Ahh it's so dull here. You thought to yourself. Nothing like the green pastures, and mountains back home. You were visiting the Kou Empire as a princess who's kingdom was allies of the kingdom. To pass the time you were training with your metal vessels, you saw a black haired boy with a scar over his left eye, as the two of you trained you noticed that he had a wooden prosthetic arm. Later, after you were done training the two of you spoke and he introduced himself as Hakuryuu Ren. You introduced yourself as Princess (Y/N) (L/N). As your stay in the Kou Empire waned on you and Hakuryuu grew closer as friends and allies. It may have been dull in the Kou Empire but Hakuryuu was the splash of color that my visit needed. You thought as you left the Kou Empires borders.

You were visiting Sindria as a servant for your kingdom's first prince, and stayed mostly by his side. But as your were fetching something for the prince you ran into one of the kingdom's advisers, "Ah, I'm sorry!" You exclaimed seeing as when you bumped into the man your poured hot water all over his front. "No, forgive me; I should have been watching were I was going." The white haired man said. As you fused over him you heard your prince call for you. "Please excuse me!" You said bowing before you ran off to see what your prince needed. "(Y/n), huh? I'll remember that one." Ja'far said quietly, blushing as he thought about the way you had unknowingly straddled him as you tried to dry him off. "Ja'far, what on earth are you doing?" Ja'far jumped up, "Nothing Sinbad, nothing."

You were walking through the jungle with Aladdin, and Morgiana, when all of the sudden you came across an almost naked, purple haired man with his only sort of covering a large leaf that barely concealed his genitals. Later after the three of you gave him some clothes to cover himself he introduced himself as Sinbad, the king of Sindria. This came as a surprise seeing how you never would have thought that a king would be out in the jungle with just a large leaf to protect him. In fact the thought made you blush, remembering how close you had been to seeing a fully naked man? As the four of you traveled to his kingdom, you got to know the strange purple haired man that you met in the jungle and was quite disappointed when he got dressed correctly. Now I can't ogle him. You blushed at your own thoughts.

You were the new female adviser for the kingdom of Sindria. While at your first meeting you saw two of the other advisers who were both males, one with white hair and freckles, while the other had reddish pink hair and a lip piercing. Later on the white haired man introduced himself as Ja'far. Later you introduced yourself to Masrur, and you found out that he was a quiet and soft spoken man who rarely talked unless spoken to. Eventually after a few months you began to consider yourselves friends.

You were a newly requited solider in the Sindria kingdom's army. During your sword training you trained under a white haired, dark skinned man, whose name you later found out was Sharrkan. After training together each day the two of you would talk and get to each other. You really enjoyed the company of your new friend.

Titus Alexius
You worked in the Reim Empire as a servant to the emperor. When you weren't serving the emperor you served their magi, a feminine blond haired boy who you knew as Titus Alexius. You didn't know whether to consider him as a boss or a friend, you later decided that when he stopped being so arrogant and airheaded you would consider the blond haired Titus a friend.

You served under Judar as a maid. All you ever considered him to be was a bossy, arrogant, and childish magi, to you at this very moment, he was nothing but the one you served under. The black haired magi gave you a place to live, if it wasn't for him you would have been stuck homeless, poor and broken as you lived out the rest of your life on the streets. So in return you thanked him by working as his servant.

You were visiting the Dark Continent to find and buy supplies for your current job as the magi of (Kingdom's Name or K/N). And for the job you needed to find and buy supplies and also do a little bit of exploring so that you could find out who you would pick out as the next king for (K/N). While you were exploring the Dark Continent, you came across a blonde man with a long braid, who you later found out was also a magi, and his name was Yunan. Over the little time that you spent in the Dark Continent, you and Yunan kept on running into each other. And after a few times of running into each other the two of you had become very good friends.

Sphintus Carmen
You were training to be a magician with your (magic type or m/t) magic. As you trained a golden cobra slithered up your leg. "EEH?" You yelled startled. A boy about your age with white hair and deep chocolate brown skin, he wore various jewelry pieces that were shaped like a snake came running over laughing. "I'm sorry! Your reaction was priceless!" He said after grabbing his snake. You learned later on that its name was Kukuclan, and his owners name was Sphintus Carmen. You and Sphintus chatted often after that, and the two of you soon became close friends.  

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