Kankri X Dave MSPARP Chat

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this is a MSPARP Chat. I am Kankri, K, and the other person is Dave, D. for Kankri, the letter b is a six and the letter o is a nine. S9, he w9uld type in this 6ar6aric way. THIS IS OUR CHAT!! I DO NOT OWN NOR CREATE THE CHARACTERS OR HOMESTUCK!! Enjoy.


TT: There is a 98.413% chance that you have just connected to someone anonymously. It seems that you should probably say "Hello" now.

K: H-h-hell9?

D: hey

K: Is any9ne there?

D: yeah im here

D: not sure if that means anything

K: I, I, can't see. Am I 6-6lind?

K: Where are y9u?

D: im kind of in a dark hall

D: where the hell are you

K: I, I am n9t very sure. I d9n't kn9w where I am, please. H-help me. I need t9 s-see

D: *dave keeps walking, peaking through every door, leaving no doornob unturned. his steps quiet as to not attract attention*

K: Wait, wait.

K: C9me 6ack.

K: Walk 6ack a69ut may6e tw9 9r three d99rs.

D: *stops and backs up, glanjng at the doors behind him. he counts three and poens the door completely, his phone used as a torch*

D: *glancing

D: *opens

K: *He turns his head to the door* D-dave, is that y9u?

D: ((Please excuse the errors, im not used to a small keyboard.

D: yeah

D: im here

K: ((nah m8 you good

K: *He tries to stand up but falls to his knees* Ah, fuck. I d9n't think I can stand.

D: *slips his phone into his front pants pocket and crouches to you.* you can climb though right

D: cmon get on my back

K: 9-9kay.

D: *whispers* first and last time ill say that.....

D: *crouches lower to make it easier

K: *He laughs a little and wraps his arms around Dave's neck* I h9pe I can 6elieve that.

D: dont worry kanks it is an absolute

D: *gently stands and walks out of ther room, cllsing the door behind him*

D: now tell me

D: what the fuck happened

D: *closing

K: I have kn9w idea. I just w9ke up here. I have n9 mem9ry 9f what happened 6ef9re.

K: Well, I d9 remem6er g9ing 9ver t9 ....a friends hive and then I was here.

D: ...

D: the elipsis cant be good

D: who is this "friend" you speak of

K: I, I w9uld rather n9t say, 6ut y9u 6eing a Strider, I am guessing that y9u will n9t take that f9r an answer.

K: Am I right in thinking that?

D: *looks down the length of halls and slouches of overwhelming confusion* bingo

K: 6ing9?

D: correct

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