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It's been exactly one month since you and Jackson made your relationship public. It wasn't easy since people began to question as to why he had chosen you. You weren't exactly anyone famous or well known, you were just a like any other girl on the streets. You went to University in the mornings and had a part time job taking care of children in the afternoons. But one day; as cheesy as it sounds, you were studying for your final exams in a coffee shop and that's when Jackson went in to buy a coffee. He noticed you sitting alone and walked towards you to start a conversation, the rest is pretty much history.

Before you and Jackson went public, you had your doubts, you knew you were going to receive hate but not as much as you were getting now. Jackson tried fixing the situation but fans didn't seem to understand and so therefore kept hating. You were an understanding individual and tried not to take things too at heart but someone who noticed all the hate wanted to help out a bit and make things a little better.

Since you and Jackson met, he immediately took you to meet the rest of the guys. You thought they were all sweet and received you quite nicely but there was someone who just clicked with you instantly: Mark. You two had similar characteristics and personalities and that's what made you both become close friends. Mark noticed the hate from fans and wanted to do something about it. He didn't like that two of his friends were being made fun of or hated on for doing something so simple like dating. You two couldn't really go out much either, whether it was for a walk or a date because wherever you went fans were there making you feel bad. Jackson took notice as well and thought you might have felt bad but you understood that some fans could be overprotective over the things they like, for example, Jackson. That's why it didn't bother you much, yes is slightly irked you that fans wouldn't give you space but you understood.

Since you and Jackson couldn't go out much he made dinner for the both of you and put music in the background to give the atmosphere a restaurant like feel. It made you laugh at how silly yet generous he was. Once you two finished dinner he held your hand and took you to the living room to dance. He increased the volume on his phone that was connected to the speakers and grabbed your hands so you could join him and dance along. Jackson looked at you and danced crazily and you just stood there swaying your hips and laughing at Jackson's randomness. Mark heard the noise and went to check who was being so loud. But before he reached to the living room, the song changed to a soft one and he saw that Jackson grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to dance with him. You smiled at him and rested your head on his chest. He moved softly side to side while you hugged him. Mark got an idea and took his phone out to record the cute moment. Jackson then grabbed one of your hands and set it on his chest and leaned down to kiss the top of your head. When mark thought he had enough 'evidence' he went back to his room. The rest of the night for you and Jackson involved more dancing and late night movie watching.

The next morning you and Jackson decided to wake up early and make the boys some breakfast. The thing you could both easily make were waffles and so you started working right on it. Jackson being the guy he is, he thought it'd be funny if he 'coughed' flour and so he did and the powdery substance landed all over your hair. You pretended to give him a deadly glare but instantly lost it at how cute he was pretending to be. Meanwhile the rest of the guys were already waking up and the first one to be at the table was Mark. You three said your good mornings and continued making waffles. Mark then pretended to be on his phone but was actually recording you two doing silly things yet being sweet about it. Mark caught moments like Jackson hugging you from behind while you waited for a waffle to be ready and him helping you set the waffles on the plates. By then most of the guys were at the table as well and Mark decided to stop recording so he wouldn't look too weird and then have to explain why he was recording. The eight of you had your breakfast peacefully but then they had to leave to go practice their new choreography. You bid them farewell and began to clean up.

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