Are we Out of the Woods Yet?

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Periwinkle P.O.V. (will always be if not said so)[warning dark]

I stared at the blade in my hands. The same blade that caused the lines against my wrist. I know it is bad that I should stop but it proves that I can feel. I have been on so many quests as of late trying to forget the time from there. Right now I was in random forest somewhere I didn't care. That's the problem I can't care for myself throwing myself at monsters. I still haven't seen my mom or Paul I know that they are expecting and married. I can't come back putting them in danger even more. I drag the blade across my wrist not being careful. It feels like a breeze like all of the pressure is slowly releasing. I cut deeper causing the blood to fall faster like a waterfall. I cut palms to help relieve the pain. I was crying now I just wanted him to hug me again to whisper sweet words and keep me together. I remembered a six word poem I wrote in 6th grade.

I am held together by them

At the time it was my friend Grover and my mom. Hiding the fact that I get hit and cut to keep her safe that if I left she would be in danger, but now that's is not true. If I died then the titan war would of not happened for years. If I was dead then my stupid blood would've never woken her. I was getting dizzy now that thought gave me a slight smile on my lips.
"I am coming Andy." I whisper to the air. I don't remember when but my vision was starting to grow almost to bright I look to the sky staring at the silent stars a bittersweet smile crosses my face and the world is only white.

Thalia P.O.V.

We were in the woods in the forest when I noticed a great place to set up camp. Until I spotted blood. I tap it still fresh and warm. That when I see the glint of bronze. Tears whell up when I see her.

"Hunter of Artemis come here" I barely choke out. I grab as much Ambrosa [spelling plz] as possible and stick it into my stupid cousin's mouth. Over 100 girls come out of the forest. "Well help her" I cried. I pray to Artemis and Apollo they quickly flash over.

"Help her please" tears were streaming down my face I didn't care I couldn't lose my sister too. I have lost Andy Luke Jason Grover is barely around anymore. I couldn't lose Periwinkle too. They stare at each other and nod. Artemis hugs me as I cry into her arms. Normally I wouldn't do this and Arty would only do this to the younger girls but I felt small and tiny. Apollo was healing her.

"Sis she still won't be ok. She is mentally unstable this could happen again. Plan omega?" Apollo says.

"But won't that bring you know what back" Artemis's eyebrows were creased in contraction.

"Yes but she will be more stable then before. I mean there is nothing much we can do and if I don't do it now we may not be able to again before it is to late."

"Just do it please she doesn't deserve her fate." I was trying to understand what they were saying when Apollo starts glowing Artemis walks over too and start glowing a beautiful silver. Periwinkle started glowing lifting off the ground. A white light flashes revealing a tiny 7 year old girl with shoulder length black hair in a light yellow dress. Apollo says something to Artemis and flashes out. I slowly walk up to the little girl. Fresh tears spring up but I hold them back because when the little girl opens her eyes they are seagreen.

"Mmmh aren't I suppose to be dead or something I don't know what what are you guys doing here?" Perri asks.

"Periwinkle do you remember my name" lady Artemis asks.

"Mmmh......... art arti Artemis right and you are" she points to me. "My cousin right it's all blurry but I fought a war didn't I or was it a dream every thing is fuzzy like like when  Gabe ...... wait I can't tell." I raise and eyebrow what is going on?

"Periwinkle you are 7 years old again. Your memories from when you were older are going to be fussy but still there, and Periwinkle Gabe is gone."

"What about my mom is she ok what happened to Gabe is that basterd in prison is my mommy ok?" Perri asked her worry etched her tiny face.

"Aunt Sally is ok kelp head" I tell her.

"Where am I where is mommy we were going to get ice cream because i got kicked out for something Hope did."

"Your mother is at your house with your new step dad Paul"

"Paul like the English teacher? My mom married him right and they are expecting a little baby boy right?"

"Yes she's happy"

"Ooh yeah" Perri face went dark as if remembering something scary.

"Hey misses' seashell we are going to camp want to come?" I ask silently pleading for her to say yes.

"Hm oh yeah that would be nice" she says absently mindedly brushing her hair back then putting it back, but the damage was already done. Right below her collar bone was a brand a nasty brand a G. Artemis stumble.

"No wonder you always look familiar I saw years ago I stared make sure that new girls dont have anyone they care about before I let them join the hunt because of you."

"What" I ask shocked Artemis knew that Perri was being abused.

"Well it was a few days after this" the venom in little Periwinkle voice scared me. "Smelly was drunk to drunk so I ran to the park mom was working so I didn't need to worry about her. So I sat underneath my favorite tree one that my mother loved we would stare at it finding pictures in the bark. When suddenly she was standing in front of me and asked who gave me this. Of course me being me was like a monster. Which was true he did end up as a monster I saw him........ Somewhere anyways we talked and she asked if I wanted to join the hunt I declined because of my mom. I was the only thing stopping him from hurting her we had a deal he could do whatever to me as long as he didn't touch her. So she helped me hide the burn and took me to my mom"

We set up camp and Perri and I shared a tent. little did we know the next day was gonna be a life changer.

A/N hope you like twist coming and also the bats hehehe also is anyone having the fonts change in the middle of writing it keeps on happening to me then once I save and reopen the different font disappears... Help.

Challenge: Name something that I can't change into a reference. So far none of my friends have been able to.....

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