Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Brynn, let's go! We're gonna miss our flight!"

I looked up from my suitcase, groaning at Dylan's impatience. "I'm coming! Hold on!" I shouted, packing the last of my clothes and necessities. I hauled my bag down the stairs very non-gracefully and sat it by the front door.

Turning around, I was met by my parents, holding each other with tears in their eyes. "We'll miss you sweetie," my mom choked, wiping her eyes with her hands.

I walked toward her and Dad, enveloping them in a group hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys too. But I'll be back by the end of August, next year." I promised, pulling away and grabbing my suitcase.

They both nodded, but not before hugging me one last time. I know it must be hard to watch your only daughter leave for an entire year, but they should've seen this coming, honestly. I've wanted to go on this trip since I was 12, and now it's finally happening.

Skylar, Dylan, and I planned this trip the beginning of senior year, and we're so excited to finally be travelling Europe, trying new foods. There's no one I'd rather be spending it with, and to spend even MORE time together, the two of them slept at my house last night.

I will admit, I stayed up pretty late with them, talking about what we think the trip will be like, so I didn't wake up till around 4:30 AM. The flight's at 7:30, and my alarm went off at quarter to 4. So, needless to say, I overslept.

I regret it now...

"Sorry to interrupt this nice family moment," Dylan interrupted the awkward family eye contact,"but we have to go if we don't wanna miss our flight."

My parents nodded simultaneously. "Of course, of course. Go, have fun, but be responsible. I don't wanna get a phone call telling me that my daughter and her friends got arrested in Rome." My dad said, jokingly authoritative.

I laughed lightly, forcing the tears back. I'm really gonna miss them for this whole year. But I think it'll be good to take a break from the rules and have some fun. It's been quite some time since I've let loose and had some fun.

"Right, let's go." I told Dylan, carrying my suitcase to the cab, stuffing it in the back. Dylan already called shotgun, and Skylar was passed out in the back seat.

This'll be fun...


"Flight 965 to Dublin, Ireland is now boarding. Please proceed to your assigned gate, thank you."

The three of us stood, gathering our things. I was so excited when we woke up, but now, I feel like I wanna kill someone. None of us are really morning people, so talking to each other right now is out of the question.

Dylan was suspiciously happy right now though, and it was really starting to get worrying. She's never like this is the morning. Even Skylar noticed, and she's like a walking zombie right now.

"What's wrong with her? Doesn't she seem.... I don't know, too happy?" She whispered, standing next to me in line to board.

I shrugged, "Yeah, but which one of us is gonna ask her? Because she could explode, or she could just be excited." Skylar nodded, understandingly. This has happened before, and we made the wrong move then. Dylan didn't want to talk to either of us about her most recent breakup, but we pushed it anyway. That lead to an explosion, resulting in the violence of Dylan Riley.

She didn't talk to us for three days, and when she finally came around, she was sobbing into Sky's shoulder while telling us about her relationship. Yeah, it wasn't fun.

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