How to be a Gentleman

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{who the fuck even says 'frolic' anymore?}

Luke Bishop's POV

The blonde moaned my name loudly as i sucked on her pale skin where her neck met her collarbone, she gasped, parting her pink slightly as my fingers rubbed her little bundle of nerves over her panties. 

"Luke-e," She moaned, "keep going." Encouraging me, i smirked against her blue and purple hickey mark and licked it with my tongue making her go wild. The fact this 21-year-old kept moaning my name made me incredibly hard, yet not right at the same time. I'm a 25 year old man, just about ready to sleep with an intern- fuck it, i've slept with pretty much the entire faculty of Catelli Corp anyway. 

Hooking my fingers into her green and white striped panties, i looked down at the smirking girl and mangled my lips onto hers, shoving my tongue into her hot mouth; already thinking of a thousand ways i could make this frail, young girl stream my name. I began pulling underwear down, a small smirk playing on her lips. 

"Luk-"-"What on earth is going on in here?" A voice shrieked , immediately making me and the intern scramble of each other, buttoning, zipping and pulling up the clothes we'd attempted to pull off each other. 

The light from the janitors closet was flicked on and my boss, Mr Catelli, stood in the doorway, outrage shown on his old, wrinkled face. "Run along Miss. Hamilton, your sister is waiting for you. Mr Bishop, my office now." He stated sternly, waiting for the panicked girl scurry off to find her sist-Wait. 'Miss Hamilton'? Fuck, Georgia's going to kill me.

Shaking those thoughts from my head, i zipped up my jeans and followed Mr Catelli to his office, fortunately through the empty halls. If anyone had seen the mysterious blonde scurry out, followed by me, i'd be screwed. 


The clicking of the secretaries computer began irritating me after only ten minutes of being seated outside. I heard the door click open and in walked a girl, who looked as though she was coming in for a job interview. Her pin-straight brunette hair cascaded down past her shoulders, perfect for me to grip onto. Pink, glossy lips that looked completely kissable, probably tasting like strawberries. I'll definitely be trying to get into her pants later on. Just to see what the rest of her tastes like. 

As she sauntered to the front desk, i got a perfect view of her ass. Her round, peachy ass make me lick my lips in delight. Her pencil skirt showed off her long, tan legs. Imagine what she'd look like between my thighs, sucking me off, as i gripped onto her perfect brunette locks forcing my hard cock down her throat. Focus Luke, you're in trouble for trying to get a girl to do exactly that.  

"Hey i'm Kate, i'm here to speak to Mr Catelli." The girl spoke, telling the cranky old receptionist who was probably as old as this school. 

"Yes, of course. Just take a seat over there," The old woman replied, pointing over to the row of seats where I was seated, "Mr Catelli will be with you once we've dealt with Mr Bishop over here." Eyeing me, she continued her work whilst the girl just laughed slightly and made her way over. 

"I'm guessing your Mr Bishop, i'm Kate." She smiled, taking a seat next to me and looking over at me with a smirk on her face. I nodded and smiled sweetly at her. 

"I'm Luke, i'm guessing you're applying for a job?" 

"Well, you guessed correctly," She stated as though it was obvious, "just moved here from California." Well, that explains her natural tan. In New York, it's hard to find a naturally tan girl because it's always below freezing up here, especially in the Winter. She sat, leaning into my side, her cleavage pressed up against my side. 

"It's nice to meet you," And your tits. I thought to myself. 

"You too." Her perfect cheekbones conjured up a smile, as she shook my hand politely. 

"Bishop, come in. And please don't associate with anybody, we wouldn't want them getting any ideas from you." Mr Catelli spoke, stepping out from his office to invite me inside. Rolling my eyes at his words, i looked back at Kate, who was giggling at me, before stepping inside his office. 

"This is the third time this week you've been caught fooling around with employees, Luke. Do you realize how serious the consequences of your actions are?" He questioned, i'd been in his office for over forty-five minutes now, not like any of this chat will make a difference. To me, it's just wasting time i could be spending in my office, doing the work he was incapable of doing himself . 

"Yeah, it's no big deal though." I shrugged it off, making Mr Catelli's eyes widen. 

"I think you'll find this is a big deal. But i'm certain that nothing will come from a punishment so i'm giving you one last chance. I'm serious though, Luke. Next time i find you frolicking around during work hour, i'll have you fired. Got it?" Trying to refrain myself from laughing, i nodded and exited out his room. Who the fuck even says 'frolic' anymore.  

Back at my office, I noticed my assistant Jill looking very impatient and angry, "Where the hell have you been? You do realise i'm meant to be retiring in-" She looked down at her watch in frustration "-10 minutes and I can't do that until you have another assistant to replace me." She sighed. 

"And?" I stated like it was no big deal. I'm Luke Bishop, GQ's hottest male in America. I'm sure girls would be lining up to be my assistant. 

"Girl's have been lining up to meet with you all afternoon." See, i told you so.  

"Ok, ok. Relax Mrs Dawson. I'll meet a few now and you can leave." 

"It's been a pleasure working with you Mr Bishop." She said with a sincere smile, Jill had been my assistant since i began working here. Even i'll admit it was sad to see her leave. 

"You too Jill. Have a nice life." I smirked, giving her and small hug and helping her with some of things before I watched her walk down the hall and to the elevator. 

"Right, let's get these interviews started then." I smirked to myself as i looked at the group of young, hopeful looking woman all drooling at me. 


 there we have it! I'm so excited for this to really take off.

Vote/Comment/Fan if you deem worthy enough. 

I should hopefully have two more chapters up before the end of the week if you guys really like it and then updates may be a little slower because i start school on monday

Also, if this sounds or looks familiar i also have this posted somewhere else with the character as Justin Bieber. This is the original copy

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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