Angel eyes

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I saw you in a picture and I stood for a moment asking myself what's happening with my hart. I thought you are a pretty face. A pretty face don't leave a such impression on me, doesn't make me to shiver or my breath to stop for a second, the longest second of my existence. It's only a picture. I won't meet her anyway, I told to myself, it's impossible and even if I will meet her I can't hope anything, she's to young to be interested and I'm hopeless.
What goes around comes around and after a few months that pictures came close to me, alive and her face become a reality that bothers me in a nice way. She is more than I expected and more than I thought. I am more hopeless because my deepest fear become a reality: she is perfect in any way you can think. She is beautiful, smart, funny, she smile like all world depends on her smile and she has the most beautiful green eyes I ever saw. Her confidence intimidates me and you can think she lived at least twice as she really did. She knows everything about anything and nothing at all, she's a little bit lost and she can express her thoughts in a way that can give her an advantage. She has the power to impress and her craziness can absorb you, can leave a powerful impresion. You have to love her or hate her, or maybe both. She's so young and so old in the same time. When I first meet her I thought she's only a child that want to trick you with her story's, a young girl that want some atention, but you can't think that and to say you know her. You have to dig more to understand how beautiful and complicated her mind and her soul are.

Cause all of me loves all of youUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum