Love Like An Original Chapter 1

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Mystic Falls, Virginia. A supposed hot spot for all things magical and supernatural, of course if you believed that rubbish.

I, Tori Limmon, am officially moving to Mystic Falls, Virginia. Am I happy about it? No. Did I have a choice about being here? Nope.

You'd think that with me being nineteen and all that I would get a say in where I do and don't live but my stupid step mom decided that we should go and connect with her roots, hence why were in Virginia.

I don't know if she realises this or not but i'm not actually related to her air go I couldn't give a flying monkeys if she wanted me to meet her creepy family.

Me no likey.

"Tori, honey, speed it up we need to leave soon!" Amanda, my step mom, shouted to me from downstairs.

"Please, feel free to leave without me." I mumbled back, staring at myself in the mirror that I refused to let them pack up two days before our move.

I was relatively tall, 5"7 with long brown, almost black, hair that reached down to just above my elbows. My brown eyes were something that all my friends in California said they loved most about me, they always said that sometimes when the sun or a light hit them then they would sparkle. I never believed what they said but it was a nice thought.

At my old school I was always categorized as the tom boy, I mean I had my moments where I would wear a dress or a skirt to school but usually I was the girl that dressed like a boy.

Right now I was wearing some cut off shorts, that I had made from old jeans, the pockets being longer than the actual denim shorts because I loved them like that, and a normal purple tank top.

Purple was my all time favourite colour and not because it was also Justin Biebers; guilty pleasure right there.

"Knock knock." Turning away from my mirror I saw my dad leaning against the door frame of my room, well my old room I suppose.

"You ready bud?" He asked with a small smile playing on his lips.

I frowned slightly, my anger building up again, "No, not really. Why can't I just stay here in California. This is my home now."

Dad sighed, obviously frustrated with having this conversation again, "Because, pal, you have no where to stay, we sold the house and you don't have the money to buy an apartment anywhere."

"Can't I borrow some of you and then pay you back? Please?" Here comes the waterworks, I am a class A drama queen in case you hadn't realised.

"Don't start Tor. Tell you what, you come to Virgina with us, get a job, save up your money and as soon as you have enough you can move back here, to California, or even England if you like. Heck you might even learn to love Mystic Falls," He chuckled, standing straight and turning to walk away, "Now hurry up your mom wants to leave now, bring the mirror when your done admiring yourself."

So, that's how I am now currently sat in the front seat of my dads truck staring out the window as the trees and wildlife sped by quickly approaching my new 'home'.

"Are we there yet?" I asked grumpily, I had woken up around ten minutes ago after a little nap and, well, I get very irritable when I first wake up.

"Almost sweetie, almost."

When we did finally reach the house my eyes almost popped out of it's sockets, the place was huge.

I jumped out the car, squealing slightly at how big the place was, and quickly ran inside to find my room.

The decor people had already done everything to all the rooms ready for today and I couldn't have been happier.

Running up towards the third floor, which was completely mine, I literally almost screamed with happiness.

Love Like An Original (ON HOLD For DHMH Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now