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Hi guys this is my first story so sorry if it is bad.

Hi I'm Callie I am 15. My mom died when I was 8 and my father left me and my mom when we were young so I never really knew him. Right now I live with the Jones. They abuse me and i am basically just there maid. I don't have many friends just one her name is Faith. She is sweet, and the only person who doesn't make fun on me for being in foster care. I am not athletic, I am not talented in any way. I also really like Hamilton and Broadway in general. But Hamilton is definitely my favorite. I love it because Alexander Hamilton's was an orphan just like me and he went in to do amazing things in his life. He didn't let being an orphan hold him down. My favorite person in Hamilton is Jonathan Groff. He is literally my idol he is everything I want to be: funny, talented and on BROADWAY. He is amazing in every way possible.


At school:

I arrive at school 10 minutes early. I walk to my locker and find Faith waiting there for me. "Hey Cal."
"Hey Faith!".
"Did you here what Brandon did yesterday". She said. Brandon is the most popular boy in our school. Girls swoon over him. I would if I actually had a chance with him. He has bright blue eyes and silky brown hair that falls right above his left eye. He is tall and muscular but not too muscular that it looks weird. He is also on the football team. "No" I respond. I truly didn't care but I let Faith talk. " So you know how he was going out Colleen" I nodded "So apparently yesterday Coleen caught him making out with Sarah and they are STILL dating". Faith said. "I can't believe Colleen is stupid enough to date him".

*bell rings *

"Well I will see you at lunch Faith"
I walk towards my classroom and take my normal seat at the back of the room. Brandon walks in the classroom and makes his way towards me. He sat right next to me, a seat that is usually empty.
"I'm sorry are you lost" I say to him
"I meant to sit here"
"Well I have a question for you"
"What, you want to copy my homework" I snap back
"No, not this time at least"
"I wanted to know if you will go out with me?"
Did he just ask me that. Did Brandon really just ask me that. What do I say. Doesn't he have a girlfriend? Knowing him they probably broke up.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask
" I plan in breaking up with her"
"Well then my answer is... no"
He angrily got up and moved to the front of the room just in time for the bell to ring.

* skip to lunch*
"YOU SAID NO TO BRANDON?! Why in world would you do that." Faith yells at me
"I knew that if i said yes he would break up with me next week and i would be even more of a joke in this school."
"Whatever" she said back to me
"I am going to the library to study wanna come" I ask
"I don't study"
"Suit yourself"
*skip to end of the day*
The rings to dismiss us from 9th period I run to my locker pack up and start my 15 minute walk back to the Jones. I walk in to Mr. Jones watching tv and drinking a beer. He yells at me to clean the dishes so I put my bag down and go to the kitchen. I ask where Mrs. Jones is. Apparently she is gone for the week. I finished the dishes and go to my room. I sit there with my crappy old iPod playing Broadway songs in my ears doing homework. Until slowly I fall into deep sleep. But soon I hear something downstairs that makes me jolt awake it sounded... painful.

Ohhh cliffhanger. I hope you guys liked my first chapter of adopted by Jonathan Groff. Just so you guys know all names are made up except Faith and Callie there are based on my me and my best friend. I don't know my update schedule yet but when I figure it out I will tell you guys. Also, sorry if there are any mistakes I didn't have time to check it over.

Stay Groffsaucey

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