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What is the environment?What makes the environment?Water? Mountains? All the elements? Every plant and animal perhaps. But! We (humans) are animals so that leads me to the conclusion that we're not part of the environment, we ARE the environment. We're the environment along with all other living and non-living thingsSo, since I believe like many others that the environment is at the verge of being destroyed . We are not to worry about other animals, plants or the atmosphere for that matter. We are to worry about ourselves, because we are the part of the environment that is actually dangerous, we take too much but give too little.

And now, I hope that I am wrong but I see the Homo Sapiens as a virus that has planet Earth as it's host. We've been evolving over thousands of years, fighting against our host and we've been loosing this fight for a very long time, until very recently when we managed to exponentially increase our population in numbers never seen before in favor of destroying our planet.

This has 3 possible outcomes, as we observe in almost every ecosystem of nature.
1- The parasite that is US, completely obliterates the host killing it, meaning : We die with lack of resources.
2 - The host develops defense mechanisms that will destroy our kind, meaning: We fucking die.
3 - Both keep going on a never ending struggle to survive until decomposition will take care of earth and other astronomical actions(as in meteorites, black holes and everything we are yet to discover) change it.

Those are the three possible scenarios I predict that could happen if we don't all change our perception of the cosmos as one. However it is up to us to create other possible outcomes within the realms of our dimensions. We can create a 4th scenario.

4- We change our habits of consumption and we put our existence over comfort, but that is a very hard task to put existence over comfort, because you need to think of it in the long term. And you need to ask yourself "will be sustainably viable in a thousand years (a 10th of how long we've been on earth)? in a million years?

And when you finally figure it out, you have stopped having a parasitic life style toward the planet and you now have yourself  a symbiotic relationship with our planet. Thank you.

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