I could never

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"I could never"

Fandom: Harry Potter

Time: Pre - War / Marauders

Age limit: K +

Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin / Wolfstar + Mentions of Lily x James

Disclaimer: All goes to J.K. Rowling, sadly...

If I had them all... Well, let's just say that a few people were still alive and homosexuality quite more popular among them. ;p

Three of the four Marauders sat in the Gryffindor Common room, talking like they used to in the good old times of yesteryear.

"Where's Peter again?" That had been the question on their lips for a long while, since the male had been missing quite often. They had speculated about him having a girlfriend, when Sirius shook his head.

"That's a joke, right?" he had asked, his eyes sparkling with some kind of amusement and disbelieving. "This is Pete we're talking about, boys, our rat! Nothing against him but I doubt he has a girlfriend before old Remus here does." he chuckled lightly, looking to the man next to him, who rolled his eyes in response.

James saw the opportunity to throw in a comment, "But can't you see, Pads, all Moony ever wanted was you. Why would he have a girlfriend?"

The werewolf's cheeks flushed a light scarlet at those words, something that Sirius of course missed. He only chuckled and smirked at his friend as he nodded. "Why of course he does, everyone wants me." Lupin said a grin on his face because they all knew that it was mostly true.

Sirius is the infatuation of almost all the girls at Hogwarts, and there were surely also a few men that wanted nothing more than determining whether those rumors about his talent in bed were true.

Remus, however, just snickered and replied in a playful tone, "Oh Pads are you truly going to cheat on me, my little Chihuahua?"

James burst out laughing and even Sirius couldn't help but grin lightly as he answered, "You know, Moony, I'm not even sure if that was an insult or rather a compliment."

Remus grinned. "You know what? Me neither." he replied, causing the other two to laugh even more before James shook his head, sitting up properly again.

"I gotta go now." James declared and by the dreamy look in his eyes both Sirius and Remus immediately knew who their friend was going to meet that night.

Naturally, Sirius felt the need to add, "Greet our Lily-Poo for us." with a cheeky grin, which caused James to blush brightly.

"What-? How did you-?" he exclaimed disbelieving and Remus lightly patted his shoulder.

"Your eyes, Prongs." he said with a wink and a soft smile.

"Now, off you go!" the werewolf then added and didn't need to say that twice, as the male rushed out of the room, cheeks still reddened.

Sirius beamed at his friend. "So, all you want is me?" he questioned with a smirk and Remus softly chuckled, fondly patting the dark haired male's cheek.

"In your dreams, Pads." he said, unaware of just how true that actually was.

Yes. Sirius Black, crush of almost everyone at Hogwarts was in fact gay.

Well, not only that.

He was gay and in love with his best friend: Remus Lupin.

The only person aware of this was James and he had sworn to never breathe a word of that to Moony.

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