Abusive Brother part 1

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Okay my brother is like 27 or 28 and he still lives with us like wtf is wrong with you it's time to move out like what. His wife and his kid live here so this one time when I was putting up the tree because it was close to Christmas one of the Bulbs broke and he said you better pick that the fuck up so my kid doesn't step on it and this is like 10:00 when he's 1year old kid is asleep so I said he's not even awake and none of your are going to step on it it's right next to the tree where I was and nobody was walking so I said no I'm going to wait until I'm finished and then I stepped on it and broke it more but when I was going to go get the broom to clean it up he grabbed me and smashed my head against the floor. (So it's like don't fucking touch me you dumb ass bitch like your not my mom or my dad just because your my brother doesn't mean you can touch me). And by the way apparently there was this big family secret that my brother and surer aren't from the same dad they're from different dads and I didn't even know!!!

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