makɩŋɠ ŋҽw ʆɾɩҽŋɖى (part 2)

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She is my sin- Nigtwish

~At Lunch~

💛Thaila POV💛

"Hello my name is Nevaeh, that's heaven spelled backwards."

Some girl with a fake tan and big, oversized boobs. She was wearing a too tight, too low, undercut, tank top and some booty shorts that show her cheeks and not in a good way.

She was staring at Perce and Neeks.

"Hey, how are you ?" Nico asked her sounding bored out of his skull.

"I'm fine, but I'll be finer if I was next to either of you big hunks of sexy men." She replied.

I won't lie but I kind of threw up in my mouth.

"I'm gay sorry, not sorry." Neeks said.

"And I'm a girl." I butted into their conversation.

"Bu hot stuff didn't say anything, yet."

It seemed like she don't understand, no.  N.O., no.

"Fuck off nevasshole." Some girl said.

"Shut your ass Zander." Nevaeh said stocking off.

"Sorry about my slut of a sister." Zander said.

"Hi, my name is Zander Wilson, unfortunate baby sister is Nevaeh Wilson the school and family slut of the year.

"Were friends now aren't we zandy ?" Percy asked pouting also.

'Guess we're making friends now huh thals'

Nico (mm) mind message me through our link.

Oldest to youngest

Who was percy's first death of a friend?

And pick and OC for nico and gotta be male

And pick and OC for Thalia and gotta be male

Write it in comments and I pick the lucky winners for
Good Nyx everyone
Good Aether everyone else
Good Afternoon

( who is the Greek or roman god/goddess for afternoon I really want to know of there was one)

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