rowing the boat

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It was a cool December morning when Lucas walked into ordean East middle school when he saw milo in his first hour class, Spanish. He saw him sitting at his desk in the corner of the room with his 100% cotton maroon sweatshirt, as always, looking oh so iscoleted. Lucas hated that. He didn't want to see that boy by himself. He wanted to see him in his arms, on his bed, or on his dick. He wanted to see his dick, in him.
Milo was reading his "how to wear any other color but maroon" book, beause he seemed to be incapable of that, when Lucas walked up and said "but it's such a great color on you" and smiled in a way that made milo's heart race. Lucas and him usually have a friendship that is based off of innapropriate jokes and memes, so it made him feel as special as sliced bread hearing him say that.
Milo reponded with a shy "thanks" and turned his face to blush. He didn't want Lucas seeing him like this, that is all embarrased. Milo wasn't sure if he said that as a joke, or if that was lucas' way getting his attention and slightly showing him how he feels. Lucas has been building up the courage to say something romantic and meaningful to him. He felt in a relationship that they both felt there was something there, it was his job to make the first move.
Usually, maybe in this generation not as comman with all this equality and feminist stuff happening (no offense boy=girl=other don't kill me), the boy is the one who makes all the moves and asks the girl out, and the girl is the one to be all cute and stuff. Since this is a sinful relationship, aka homosexual relationship, Milo was the girl and Lucas is the guy. Obvioulsy Lucas can't put his cock inside milo's pussy, bc he doesn't have one, so they'll have to make love a different way. The gay way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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