An Unwelcomed Relative

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"We are gathered here on this bright evening to pay our respects to the greatest dragon to have ever walked these streets," a dark green and brown dragon sighed, his gaze cast across the large crowd before him. Behind him, a mighty memorial sat, proudly displaying the fire symbol in gold.

With a slight quiver in his voice, the earth dragon continued, "To many, he was a leader.. a protector.. a friend. He devoted his entire life to protecting others around him. Ignitus put everyone before himself, from banishing the Dark Master, to his final deed, protecting the purple dragon and his unlikely companion, so that they may finally put an end to that monster's throbbing madness." A wing gesture from him was pointed towards Spyro and Cynder, Spyro being perched on top of the memorial, wings gracefully outstretched so that the sun shone, and Cynder quietly sitting beside it.

"And.. and to some, he was family. A mate, a father, someone to look up to," Terrador continued once more, "his memory will be remembered with great jubilation. May his fire never leave us, and his soul be at peace at last." With that, the large dragon bowed his head, closing his eyes in silent respect. The crowd followed suit, each dragon young and old paying their respects.

After a moment, they all turned back to Terrador, who gave a nod to Spyro. The jaws of the dragon lit with an orange glow as he prepared a flame, aiming at a golden chalice seated in front of the memorial. Before he could breath a spark, however, a large red dragoness pressed her way through the crowd, followed closely by a young, red dragon. "Terrador.. you never told me the memorial would be today... or ever.. Explain," she scowled, not even glancing up at Spyro.

With a grunt, he turned to face her, "Piras, not now-" "As you know, I am the fool's mate. Doesn't that mean I should have been informed first? And that runt up there, not even his blood, is going to sit vigil for the fire? That has our spawn's name written all over it. Flame should be the one to guard it," she interrupted, a fierce eye on Spyro now. It made him uneasy, being talked down upon like that, as if he couldn't hear their conversation. But she had a point... he wasn't related to Ignitus.

Terrador gave a small chuckle, his anger fading easily at her words, "Piras... we both know that Spyro is his first born child. Just as much as Flame is his second born. The only real difference is that Spyro was created out of love, while you forced Ignitus into becoming your mate to continue the Firethroat line. While I am grateful for that spunky dragonet of yours," he winked down at the dragon between her paws, not much younger than Spyro, "you know the rules. Oldest gets to sit vigil." The crowd was dead silent, both surprised and shocked by the news.

Spyro almost fell off of his perch, head swimming. Father? Ignitus? Who.. who was his mother? He had to know, he needed to know. His origins wouldn't be able to stay hidden much longer.

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