'What are you doing? It's not supposed to be done like that.'
Heard that line before? Well, yes that's what we hear from the time we're babies, right until we've grown old.
It's human nature to correct someone when they're not doing things the way the other person is accustomed to doing it. But is it good? No, it's not. Sometimes it's because of that very line that most people feel inadequate and insecure when doing anything.
Not everything needs to be corrected, because there are more than one way of doing things.
For example: One child may colour in a vertical motion, while another may do it in a horizontal motion. Both are accomplishing the colouring of the picture you asked them to colour, so what's the problem?
In the same way, if one woman cooks food a certain way, another may use a different method, but again, both are accomplishing the same end result. Why then do people choose to complain that it's not done right?There is never a right way of doing things, it's the way an individual does it that makes it right.
Always correcting a person for every action they do is unethical. We need to understand that sometimes they do what they do, because to them it feels right.
Of course, if a person is doing a haraam act, then it is obligatory for you to inform him/her that what they're doing is not acceptable in Islam.
Remember: Life is for improving yourself, not discouraging others.
Ponder over it...
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