Chapter 1

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"What time are we leaving for the party?" I ask Aiden as I down the rest of my Pepsi. It's the last Saturday before school starts, so Katy and her brother Dylan are throwing a crazy end of summer party for the Seniors. Yea technically there is another day of summer after the party, but let's face it. If the party was on the last day of summer everyone would be hungover and no one would show up at school that first day.

"Dude you're the one with the car!" He exclaims as he walks out of his bathroom in a jeans and a tight grey baseball shirt, his brown hair slightly messed up, yet styled all at the same time. I swear this is the outfit he always wears, just different colour combinations.

"You look nice." What the hell is wrong with me. Did I actually just say that?!

"I know, I always look good." Aiden says with a wink with a smirk. He's a cocky son of a bitch, always has been and always will be. I don't know what it is but he can get away with anything, honestly he could smack the principals ass and get away with it. Hell she'd probably blush.

"Asshole" I mutter under my breath with a slight chuckle as I role my eyes at him, "let's go in 10."

"Ready to get wrecked?" Aiden says excitedly.

"I'm always ready." I smirk and laugh, half mocking him for the 'I always look good' comment. He rolls his eyes and hops onto the kitchen counter.

We both play on the varsity hockey team, stereotypical Canadians I know, but there's nothing that feels better than skating on the fresh ice, and of course body checking someone into the boards. What do you think of male varsity athletes? Most likely partying, drinking and drugs...and you would be right, even though we all know coach would kill us if he saw us getting wasted, we still go to every party. I mean come on, what's a party without the hockey boys. Who else is supposed to get everyone hyped.

Now I wouldn't consider myself a fuckboy, but I do get around quite a bit. I don't hit up girls asking for nudes, or say I love them and then stop talking to them all together. I'm just really not interested in a relationship I guess? The longest relationship last a solid 3 weeks. I've also never been able to picture myself dating any of the girls here anyways, so until then its more just a way to stop my boredom and get off. Ok I know that last part sounds bad, very fuck boy ish, but it's the truth. I'm a teenage boy, I'm horny all the time, and there's nothing feels better than someone wrapping their lips around my cock. My right hand can't beat that.

Aiden on the other hand is either fucking a different girl everyday, or doesn't fuck anyone for a month or two. Lately he seems to be fucking as many girls as he can, and hell you know any girl would jump at the opportunity to sleep with him. I think the reason he can get anyone is because he's basically a big teddy bear. He's one of the most caring guys I know.

"The boys are just meeting us there right?" He asks as he looks in the mirror, fixing his hair. I catch myself staring at him, watching intently as he fixed his hair and pulled his shirt down slightly. He's always been obsessed with looking good, that goes along well with his "I always look good" comments, and believe me, he makes them a lot

"Thomas!" He shouted causing me to jump slightly. "Dude are you okay?"

"Ah shit sorry man, I zoned out there for a second. What did you say?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, almost as if he didn't believe me.

"Are the boys meeting us there?" He asks again still staring at me, with his eyebrow raised slightly.

"Oh yea, they are." I cough clearing my throat. "Are you ready to get fucking wrecked!"  

"Thomas are you okay?" Aiden asks as he sits down on the bed beside me. I get up off the bed and turn around facing him.

"Yup, I'm good! Ready to get wrecked!" Honestly I need this, I need to go get absolutely plastered. I don't know why exactly, but I know I needed it. My head feels cloudy, but I have no clue why, honestly it's probably because it's my senior year and this party is really making it sink in...after this party is over I am going into my last year of highschool, and I have to start figuring out my life.

All of the sudden Aiden jumps up off the bed and screams,"Party time!!" He shouts it in this tone that makes me laugh. He always does these weird voices and sounds that kill me every time. I don't know what it is, but whenever you're having a bad day he makes it better.

We both end up laughing so hard for no real apparent reason, we never laugh this long. Soon enough we stopped and he jumped up off his bed.

"Good to go?" I ask as he jumped off the bed.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" Once again the way he said starts making me laugh again like a complete idiot. Watching him run down the stairs always freaks me out because the guy takes them 5 at a time, and they don't have a mid-point landing either. His house is huge, and that stair case goes from the 3 floor all the way down to the first floor. Yup as I said, huge house. His parents are loaded, they both met in medical school and now they're both doctors, ones a surgeon and the other works in the NICU. Oh yeah, one more thing. His parents names are Ken and David...yup both guys, both very very gay.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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