Luna's shadow

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Luna smiled at the moon rise she
loved it when the moon rises the kids was with her until there mother tolled them to go home
and sleep,Celestia looked at her
sister "Why are you acting strange?Why are you happy?
Why are you smiling on top of
the ponies?" Celestia asked her
hoofs making a sound of (Clip clop Clip clop)Luna looked at
Celestia "I don't know what you
are saying?" Luna answer as she
turned her head to the window
watching the sunset "It's Pretty
the sunset,it lovely to watch.
Right?" Luna said her hear flowing from side to side her
sister glanced at the sunset with
a little smile "Yes?It is" Celestia said Luna's smile faded,hearing Celestia's voice made her feel unhappy,turning her head to face her sister "Celestia I've been having-" Luna was intruded by a guard's voice "Sunset shimmer!!!She is DOGTROTTING Ponyville!!" Celestia looked at the guard with shocked and supers
"I will be something,Luna go to yours room!!" Luna huffed and walked to her room,Luna overheard her sister say "So you said Sunset is in ponyville?"
"Yes princess she well tried to kill ever pony" the guard said in panic.Celestia suddenly got up and ran out the door to ponyville
leaving Luna alone,Luna could remembered the last day when her sister and her played in the park but unfortunately that was 13 years ago,Luna was in her room waiting for her sister she wondered if all the ponies hate her....The shadow was setting over every pony at the corned of Luna's eyes Luna saw her shadow move cerise she turned her head to the shadow "HOLLOW LUNA.." it said to her "Hello shadow" Luna would say courtly at the shadow
"AREN'T YOU ANGRY THAT CELESTIA LEAVER YOU?" Luna's eyes widen she then looked at the direction of the door "I..I AM"
"Celestia said that shouting is rood for a princess!" Luna got up and walked away from her shadow "Besides you are a shadow nothing more" closing her eyes she was waiting for a reply but nothing,sighing highly,she turned to a mirror that had her reflection....Looking though it she could she the darkness taking over,lately that day Celestia came in "Luna I went to say that tomorrow is-" Celestia looked up at the bed there sweetly Luna was sleeping Celestia smiled "Goodnight Luna have sweet dreams" she used her magic to shut the door......

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