chapter 10

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Kurt: so how was it??

Mercedes: (elbowing kurt in the ribs, scolding him) Did you ever think that she might wanna keep that to herself? This is her first kiss we're talking about, its a very private personal thing.... But yeah how was it?

Rachel: ...
i know what most of you will be thinking, "it was magical, sparks were flying so fast i could barely see a foot in front of me, i love him and he loves me and we're gonna get married and live happily ever after in a castle made of marshmallows, love and cuddles, and we're gonna have 7 children and teach them how to sing so we can be like the Von Trapp family except without the whole running away from the Nazis thing at the end"...... actually that does sound kinda cool....
But honestly, the kiss was amazing and i dont regret it for a second. my feelings are just as strong, if not more so, and at least now i know he feels the same. he told me straight after.


Rachel: (sitting cross- legged on the bed opposite Finn, about to kiss him, then stops herself. sits on the edge of bed, head in hands) Oh God, im so sorry (begins to ramble)

Finn: (realizing she stopped) wait, what?

Rachel: (still rambling aimlessly to herself, trying to apologise and explain herself at the same time)

Finn: (trying to calm her down) Rach, Rach, look at me ..... (she stares into his eyes which instantly calm her down, starts to breathe normally and relax) ok whats wrong?

Rachel: (stuttering) its just... i dont even know what i was thinking... i just thought maybe ...

Finn: what? C'mon tell me

Rachel: (swivels herself around so she doesnt have to say it to his face, speaks really really fast so he can barely understand her) i just thought maybe we could kiss cause we were getting on so well and i thought there was chemistry but i dont know maybe there wasnt , maybe its just my imagination running wild again. anyway, at the last minute i panicked and thought about what if you didnt like me back and thought how humiliating that would be so i stopped and now here i am blabbering away again like a crazy person, and honestly i wouldnt be suprised if you had run away by now, in fact maybe thats better cause then we wouldnt have to deal with awkward goodbyes or anything so im gonna turn around in a minute and your gonna be gone but thats ok because that means i can curl into a ball on floor and cry on my own so thats fine..... (runs out of breath)

Finn: (looking confused)

Rachel: (spins around, expecting him not to be there, sees him and screams)

Finn: (jumps)

Rachel: oh my god, im so sorry!

Finn: (just stares at her)

Rachel: (trying to get her breath back after her long soeech about nothing in particular)

Finn: (leans forward, kisses her for a few seconds)

Rachel: (gets over the initial shock of first kiss sensation, starts to kiss back)

Finn POV
Holy crap, im kissing Rachel!!!!

Rachel POV
Oy vey, im kissing Finn!!!!

Finn POV

Rachel POV

Rachel: (pulls away slowly)

Finn: (pulls away too and looks at her)

(both stare at each other for a few seconds)

Finn: (stands up, walks out of the room)

Rachel: urm...


so now youll be wondering "but why? sounds pretty perfect to me! so why are you curled up in a ball on the floor in a onesie explaining the occasion to your friends". well the truth is i have no answer, after Finn left, i stayed in my room and thought through the situation more times than i could count, until Mercedes and Kurt turned up after looking all over the rest of town looking for after the ice parlour complication. at which point i told them about the Kiss and Kurt asked me how it was. in a weird way, although it sounds seriously cringy and awkward, for me, it was

Rachel: Perfect.


yes i do realise its been probs about 3months or more since i last updated, and i sincerely sorry about that, but school is getting really hectic now and driving me crazy!!!!! So sorry!!!!

Anyway hope you liked this chapter!!! please remember to vote and please please COMMENT helpful advice or comments so i can know if you like this or not, which will hopefully motivate me to write more often!!!!! :))) thanks <3 xxx

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