Chapter 1- Change of Plans

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Maddison's POV

I started my day as usual, wake up, brush my teeth, brush my hair, get dressed and leave for school, but I got this unusual feeling that someone was watching me... I stopped in my tracks and scanned my surroundings, nothing... Hmmm that's weird, I swear someone was watching me. I started walking again but the unusual feeling didn't leave me alone.

I stepped into school and when to my locker. I shoved my PE bag into my locker and slammed my locker shut. I pulled my bag closer to me and walked to my private room. Well it was a music room that nobody used. I walked to towards the door and slid it open.

Alone at last. I hurried towards the window and forced the curtains open. Light streamed through and blinded me for a second. I opened the window slightly only to be hearing the wind blow and the birds chirping. I couldn't help but smile at how peaceful it was. I reached into my bag and brought out a pen and my note book. I started drawing some scenery around me.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know someone was in hear." I looked towards the door only to find a bashful boy standing in the door, blushing slightly.

"Oh no it's fine, just do what you came here for and ignore am here..." I was used to people ignoring me... Except from Katie and Maya. They're the only two who are actually my friends, but I prefer being alone.

"Oh ok, Maddison..." Wait... He said Maddison... That's my name, how does my name? I turned to the boy who was busy setting up the piano. He knows my name? How?

"My name... You know it?" He looked up from the piano and smiled.

"Yeah, by the way am Caleb." He smiled at me and turned back to the piano. He's so kind, no one really shows kindness towards me. I smiles and turned back to the scenery outside. Suddenly there was a soft melody being played in the back ground. I turned back fibre piano and the boy, eh I mean Caleb was gently playing the piano. He started singing a sweet song, one what I would never forget. A Thousand Years.

"Heart, beats fast, colours and promises,
How to be brave,
How can I love when am afraid to fall,
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away some how,
One step closer...
I have died everyday waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have have loved put for A Thousand Years,
I'll love for A Thousand More."

I didn't even realise but I moved from the window to be standing right next to him. He looked up from the keys of the piano and gazed into my eyes. His pale cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"I-I-I... A-Am s-s-sorry... I forgot you were here..." He started stuttering and I giggled at his reaction.

"It's fine, you sounded amazing!" His eyes suddenly were filled with tears. "Wha?! I-I-I... Am sorry if I offended you..." He wiped his eyes and smiled lightly.

"No ones ever said that about me, thank you." We smiled at each other but we were rudely interrupted by someone barging into the room shouting for Caleb.

"Caleb! Where are- Oh... Is there someone am missing here?" Of course... Layla... "Hmm? Caleb? Who's this?" She starred at my face with puzzlement. Yeah... Am invisible...

"Layla, this is Maddison, she sits next to Abbie in maths." She still didn't recognise me for a minute then it hit her.

"Maddison! Stay away from her, Caleb! She's bad news, she stole one boyfriend from me once I won't lose my brother to this witch!" But I didn't steal him... He tried to kiss me... I've tried to tell her before but she won't listen.

"Layla... Am pretty sure someone like her who is completely invisible to people wouldn't to that, no offence."

"None taken, Caleb, am used to it..." I looked back at the window. I could feel Layla's piercing gaze on me. What's her problem? I didn't even kiss him, we hugged and he leaned in but I reminded him of Layla. I didn't kiss him... I sat down on the piano stool next to Caleb and flipped the pages of the book. I hummed the melody of A Thousand Years and I felt truly happy.

"I've gotta go Caleb, I've used my free period for this, just stay away from her." Layla gave me one last look and walked out the door. I let out a sigh of relief and played a few keys on the piano.

"Can you play?" He sat next to me and looked at the piano.

"Kinda, only a little..." He started playing a soft tune. "So your Layla's brother?" He looked at me and sighed.

"Yeah, sadly..." He continued playing the piano and got into a soft song.

"There has to be some good things about being her brother, right?" I peered at his face and he sighed again.

"Hardly, am always covering for her when she ditches class, random girls follow me, she always copy's my homework and her room is right next to mine... So much gossiping and boys there." He shivered at remembering most of the things and I giggled.

"Hehe I remember when she was really sweet to me, until... Her boyfriend... Tried to kiss me... But she believes I kissed him so she hates me..." He looked at me full of concern.

"Have you told her?" He placed a hand on my back and I jumped back into reality.

"Tried... She doesn't wanna hear, anyway am gonna leave bye!" I quickly hurried out of the classroom and dived into the nearest empty classroom and sat down. Phew... I didn't like being that close to another person. Then again I don't like people. I grabbed my sketch book and started to draw again. Maybe I could try to get to know more people... Naaaaa... I could try but fail... Like always...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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