Chapter 25

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Delia had come back down five minutes after he left and I had acted like he was apologetic for going and said he would be back soon, in other words I had lied to her. Couldn't tell the truth now could I?
I was kicking my chicken around the plate with my fork. This is the first time I sat down and had a home cooked nice family meal, kinda, so why aren't I happy? I was....Thinking? Daydreaming more like.
Delia voice made me look up,
"I can't believe that boy, after all you'd cooked? Still his excuse was "I'm taking Katrina out and we're having dinner too" ugh that girl, I hate her!" I didn't know he was with her. For some reason my heart felt broken.
"Right..." I whispered,
"Well hey, more for us right?" She laughed and paused before taking her plate in the kitchen.
I looked back towards the front door, either expecting him to come back or something. Of course he didn't.

I was helping Delia wash the plates and wrapped the leftovers then placed them in the fridge.
I felt myself to getting tired and a headache crept up again. I sat down on the bar stool and breathed in and out slowly,
"Hey hey! Ella you ok?" His mum came and placed her arm around me,
"Yeah don't worry I'm just...I'm fine,"
She signed and sat down beside me.
" you like Jason?" What?!!!! What is his own mother talking about?! I shot my gaze towards her and frowned in shock. She just smiled and gave me a look that said 'I'm serious'
"Mrs W- I mean, Delia, what are you saying? I-i don't, I-I h-hate him I mean he's y-your son, I-I can-" she laughed in humour like she would fall back.
"So you do like him? I can tell, I could tell I mean,"
"I don't like him though," I sighed, even I don't believe myself,
"Whatever you say, now come, you look fatigued, I'll make you a hot cocoa and we'll have some girl time," she helped me to another took where they had their flat screen massive sized TV.
I sat in awe, amazed.

Delia came back with my drink and I thanked her for it.
My second cocoa in a day!
She sat down and brought her knees up on the black couch.
"Ella? May I ask you something?"
I nodded and put my mug down,
She just slowly nodded,
"W-who...well, whose the father of your baby? Do you know where he is?" She asked straight away. I chocked on air almost. I took a deep breath and didn't exhale. I paused.
I sighed deeply, how can I easily say this?
"Well, I-I um, you see? I, he, we?...he left me soon after...?" I finally said hoping she would buy it.
She didn't say anything, she looked at me for a second or two then shook her head,
"I'm sorry my dear," she gave me an unexpected hug,
"A girl like you deserves better, if I knew you before, I'd want my Jason to marry you!" She chuckled as I blushed,
"Ms Williams!"
I can't keep this up anymore.
We went off topic and talked about different things like what I'm doing in school, if I want a baby boy or girl and then some baby names. She told me about her oldest son Taylor and how he is CEO of their uncles business, who passed away a few years back. It was a very big company that was all to do with something about technology trade i wasn't really listening. Then she told me she worked as an interior decorator, no wonder, they got a lot of money and had such a a big house.
She helped me to my room as she was 'scared I will faint' those were her words I believe. I let her assist me anyway.
"I'm telling you, some herbal tea works, trust me, I'll go make some and you stay here ok?" She winks and walks all downstairs, I felt really bad, I kinda felt like she was doing a lot for me?
While I was sitting on my bed the door knocked, Jason I'm guessing. I got up and opened my door. I heard his steps coming closer so I walked back. The door swung open after a minute or so.
He stood there with his leather jacket on and his hair was styled in a messy way making him look attractive I guess? No! Snap out of it Ella!

"Are done checking me out?" He smirks with his arms crossed and I groan in disgust,
"As if! You wish, get out!" I move closer.
"Like little Cinderella will have an affect on me? I doubt it, but hey? Since when are you and mum so friendly with each other? Make friends already? Is it your first time?" He laughed, I fumed,
I snapped I don't know why, but I did?
"Piss off Jason! Your one to talk! You take advantage of your mum, you can't see the love she has for you but yet your out all day while all this time she wants you or someone to be around, can't you see that?! I wish I had a mum yet your here, getting drunk with your tenth girlfriend! You sicko! You even lied to her!!! You LIED TO YOUR OWN MUM!!" He tighter his hand around my wrist almost stopping the blood,
It made a tear escape my eye but I didn't stop.
"Shut the fuck up Ella! Don't. You. Dare raise your voice with me," he gritted through his teeth.
"Unless you want to be homeless?"
"You don't scare me! Your threats mean nothing! told her my baby belonged some other guy..." Tears fell from my eyes,
"When your the one who got me pregnant...."

Suddenly there was a loud crash of glass, me and Jason shot out gazes to the door and saw his mum standing there with watery eyes looking only at Jason. He covered her mouth,
"Jason? Y-you? Got Ella...pregnant?....." She sobbed quietly not taking her eyes off him.
I gulped and felt my heart beat. Well, the secrets out now. No more lies Jason.

"Mum, listen," she walked briskly towards Jason and slapped him. I gasped and my mouth hung open. He face was still to the side and her chest was heaving up and down. Her eyes were full of anger.
"You bastard!" She whispered,
"HOW COULD YOU?!!" He didn't say a word, I stood there in nervousness.
When I saw her hand rise I stopped her myself,
"Wait!!! Don't Mrs Williams, please.." I whispered and her eyes softened when she looked at me.
Even Jason looked shocked, so was I. He deserved a few slaps.
"He done it out of ignorance but was unaware of what would happen, but....h-he..." I internally sighed, I can't believe I'm sticking up for him.
"I forgave him...because he showed he was prepared to give me a house to stay in time being...I guess...your his mum, please forgive him too?" She shook her head and wiped my eyes.
"Your kind heart is wasted on him Ella, but I need to have a talk with Jason, if you won't mind my dear?" I looked at Jason and he looked like he was fuming, I just nodded back at her. She looked so broken, like she was told someone dear to her died. And in a way they did, the old Jason she knew died, and she just found out he turned out into a monster.

Jason PoV
She tried to help me? I guess it was her pathetic way to get close to me. It won't work.
She walked out and mum sat down on the bed with her head in her hands,
"!" She gritted through her teeth. Not looking at me.
I leaned against the bed and ran my hands through my slightly gelled hair.
I kicked the heel of my combat boots onto the laminate flooring.
"I got her pregnant!" I angrily shouted back,
She sat there with wide eyes,
I shrugged,
"I'm guessing I fucking felt like it and what's it to you?"
"Watch your language! Your tuning into a spoiled bastard!" She shouted

"Just like your father..." She whispered,

"Maybe that's a good thing, rather be him then you! Since when did you start to care about me?! After dad left you've been nothing but in mourning like he was dead!! Can't you ever move on?! So I wanted my own fun, I can't wait till I move away from here and from you!!" I argued back, she shook her head and sobbed,
"Fine, get out my house...."
I stood up and looked and at,
"Get out of my house now!!!"
"Where the fuck do I go?"
"Go stay in our apartment on fourth place avenue, I don't care..." She started to walk towards the door,
"And Ella is now your responsibility, she can live with you too,"
"Hold on a minute I don't want no dumbas-"
"YOU GOT HER PREGNANT AND NOW YOU WANT TO DUMP HER?!! SHES ONLY 18!!!....Jason, it happens whether you like it or not..." She glared at me and slammed the door on her way out.

I growled and kicked the bed post. There's no way this is happening.

So the truth just came out, and quite quickly too, Jason's mum hates him and now he has to move out with her to their apartments...together.

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