The Bloody Knife House

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Alright guys and gals! This piece right here is part of my English subject and since I got some good feedback on this, so I decided it wouldn't hurt for it to be my first story here. 

Anyways feedback is appreciated and -:- Merry Reading -:-


It was a cold and dark autumn night. People of all ages littered the whole suburb with each individual disguised in marvellous and frightening costumes. Sounds of laughter and good-hearted screams throbbed in the atmosphere. It was clear that Halloween had come a last.

Caroline calmly leaned on the cool cobblestone wall as she waited her friends to arrive. Her large red hood hung over her honey eyes and hid her face in the shadows. In the corner of the street, she caught the sight of two boys dressed as a cowboy and skeleton turning towards her. 

“Hey Caroline!” The boy in the skeleton costume greeted.

“Hey John,” she replied with a smile at him and nodded to the cowboy, “hey Patrick. How’d your trick-or-treatin’ on the Eastern and Southern side go?”

“Better than expected to be honest,” John grinned broadly and sat down onto the cement, his shadow overlapping Caroline’s own in moonlight. “We even got a load at Ms. Baker’s house. Man, was that nerve whacking! Right, Patrick?” 

“Yeah sure,” Patrick said absently as he plopped down onto the sidewalk next to John. “Anyway, is Lily here yet?”

“Just about,” she said with a grin as she saw the lithe form of Lily cross the road towards them wearing her angel costume, which was complete with a golden halo and fake feathered wings that almost looked real if you didn’t look at it closely.

“Sorry I’m late guys,” she apologized with a sweet smile. “But I did get every candy I could on the west side.” 

“Awesome Lil,” Patrick and Caroline said in unison causing them to give each other a questioning gaze. What was that about?

John let out a forced cough and steered their attention away from each other. “So anyway Car, how’d your side go?”

Caroline gave him a smug smirk and took out her wicker basket from underneath her red robe. And as if answering his question, she opened her woven candy basket and revealed that it was full and almost over overflowed.

“I visited every house,” she said beaming pride but it suddenly disappeared along with the moonlight as dark clouds covered the celestial body in the sky. “Well, except for... the Bloody Knife house.”

Caroline shuddered as she said the old house’s name. Nearly everyone in the whole suburb knew what the story behind that dark name. And it wasn’t a pretty one. 

Caroline heard bits and pieces of the tale but she hadn’t heard all of it. This is what she managed to piece together though; it was said that the house was owned by a rich and religious family but all a sudden they turned from their beliefs and became Satanists. They tortured, starved their three children half to death every day but no one in the neighbourhood heard their cry for help from the basement. Then one day the parents decided to sacrifice their children to gain “eternal life” from their “master”. 

One by one they killed them by letting them bleed on the demonic altar as they cut their chest and took all their organs out and burned it. Everything got a little blurry after that but she did hear that everything changed when they came to the last and youngest child. It was said that the family was still haunting the house but oddly enough there was someone living there. An old lady if she heard it right.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2012 ⏰

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