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It was the start of my Junior year.

I thought everything was going to go great. I had been with my boyfriend for over a year and I had a strong 4.0 going for me. My friends were great, I was happy. Everything was seeming to go on an extraordinary path for me.

It was the day Junior year started.

The same exact day.

My boyfriend, Cameron wasn't at school. He texted me the night before telling me he probably was going to skip the first day and chill out. He had a lot going on but wouldn't tell me what exactly was happening.

So the fact that Cam wasn't at school didn't throw me off. Not even in the slightest. Cam was a bad boy. He skipped school often. We were polar opposites. He hated school and all he could look forward to was graduating and living his life with me. Me? I looked forward to graduation, yes. But I also planned on going to College. I liked school. I liked learning and meeting new people and socializing. Cam? He hated every aspect of it. 

Cam didn't have many friends. He used to be friends with the whole damn school when we were in middle school. Then high school came along, and he kind of changed. His friends went their own, separate ways. Most of them more passionate about school than he was, a lot of them just picking up different interests. Cam didn't really have anyone. He had his best friend, Max, and that was about it. 

Max and Cam were inseparable. They had been friends since they were kids. Max had always been the more energetic of the two. Max was always getting along with everyone he met, making new friends, and loved school. Cam got along with people, but had no interest in making friends. 

But the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year came and Cam took interest in me. Max was friends with my friends. So Max threw a party with my friends, his friends, and a few stragglers. It wasn't a big party, or a crazy one either. It was just a bonfire that was being thrown really. We roasted s'mores and talked about how much we hated so-and-so or a teacher we had trouble with. We talked about anything really. We were all connected.

And then Cam approached me. He had a sort of sparkle in his green eyes. His hair was untidy, very messy, but in a nice way. His hair was a dark brown at the time. His hair was blonde when we were growing up, but it changed to a dark brown. He had a perfect smile, and he was smiling at me.

We hit it off. That summer we went everywhere together. We did everything together. We were inseparable. We fell in love as quickly as we fell in like. He wasn't a slacker bad boy everyone thought he was. He was a shy, vulnerable, caring boy who disguised himself. He loved me more than he loved himself. He was a gift for me. 

Sophomore year came and everyone thought we were the cutest couple in the school. It may seem silly, but that happens with a lot of couples. We were voted Homecoming Prince and Princess. We were so happy. Everyone of our friends supported us. Everyone supported us. In their eyes, we were the stereotypical couple. Bad boy dates good girl. 

But that wasn't who we were. Cam was the sweetest guy I knew. Very caring, and had goals of his own. He loved music with a burning passion and wanted to play his guitar and sing on stages around the world. I wasn't as good as they made me out to be either. I had a war inside my mind that Cam seemed to calm. After my parents divorced I was so torn between who I was. I was also battling sexuality problems. I felt as if I didn't know who I was. But when I got with Cam it was clear to me who I was. I was bisexual but was in a straight relationship. 

We were at peace with ourselves. We had each other. We knew if anything was going wrong, or if anything was going bad, we had each other to calm ourselves down. We'd cry together, laugh together, smile together, and hurt together. We had our fights, yes. But our love overpowered our fights.

I loved Cam more than I loved myself.

But the day Junior year started it was chaotic. It was as if a hurricane formed on our calm waters. It wasn't a ripple in the water. It was a full forced Tsunami. 

I went home the day Junior Year started. I drove myself home and checked my phone as I drove. I look back and think about how irresponsible it was, but that was the time I knew something was off. 

I checked my texts. I sent Cam a good morning message. He never responded. He always responds to my goodmorning texts. I'm up a 5:30 am and he gets up at 6:30 am because he lives closer to the school. So I'm always the one sending good morning texts during school.

It threw me off, but not enough to raise suspicion. So I continued home. 

My house was in a suburban area. We lived in a relatively small community. It wasn't a big city, but it wasn't a small town either. It was more of a small city, or a large town. I lived on the outskirts in a nice home with my mom. My dad lived in the bigger city nearby. 

But it was just me and my mom in our house. Cam lived right by the elementary school. He was only a mile away from the High School so he either walked or drove everyday.

I got home and found my mom was already home. I pulled in and walked into the house casually, not a worry on my mind. It felt at the time, like any other day.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted. 

I heard my mom rush downstairs from presumably her room upstairs.

"Delilah?" My mom called out as she appeared within my eyesight. "Oh my, Delilah I'm so sorry!"

My mom rushed over to meet me at the door and hugged me in a tight squeeze.

"For what?" I said with a smile.

"Cam... you haven't heard?" Mom said.

My heart seemed to drop really fast into my stomach.

"W-What about Cam?" I asked. My mother's face went pale, and my heart seemed to sink deeper. "He's okay right?"

"He's in the hospital Dee." My mom said. "He overdosed on sleeping pills. He's in a coma."


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