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A bright light shines throw the curtains nearly blinding young Peter as he opened his eyes.

Peter lifted his head up from the big brown oak desk, and a piece of paper glued to his face with dribble.

Peter worked later than usual you see, Peter only had 3 more lost boys and he wanted to find their parents as soon as possible.

Ricky, Nicky, and Micky.
We're left Peter only had 4 more days left to find the triplets parents before hook banishes them to the forever where they must stay as their parents declared dead.

Just the thought of someone feeling how they felt was the worst.
You see at the age of five Peter got brought to 'fanah agency' to be found but none claimed him, hook declared his parents dead but he didn't believe that. he believed that he was missed placed as he likes to call it.

Good thing Peter was lucky, hook let him stay but only as an employee, not that Peter minded working for hook he just wished hook would choose a different way to do stuff you know the right way

Peter yawned.

"Peter Pan you are needed In the head office" the intercom called out, he sigh, getting up and bringing his work with him

fixing my wrinkles in his clothes he walked out the door

~~~ ~~~

He walked down the dark hallway, shivering from the cool breeze coming from the vents above, freaked out by the walls cover with random pictures, from tigers, birthday cakes, and unicycles, made Peter believe that this hallway belonged in a haunted house.

He quickened his pace, but not too fast.
Although Peter wanted to get out of this creepy hallway be for a ghost could jump out of nowhere shouting ' give me your lunch or I will possess, you making you poop your pants'. He dreaded the visit to hook even more.

The door was ajar but Peter knocked anyway, " Hook you called for me" he said trying his best to look weak, Hook hates weak he only took Peter in because he was strong but now he started to become the opposite.

"Yes, Peter" hook snarled waving his finger at him, bending his finger signifying telling him to come here.

Young Peter pushed the big door open slowly, taking baby steps dreading every second he got closer.

" walk faster boy!" Hook shouted his cruel voice boomed throw the large room.
Making Peter jumps out of his own skin.

Peter had this sickly feeling inside of him, his stomach was churning. His knees were wobbling barely able to keep him from falling from the ground.

he mentally slapped himself for showing weakness.

He put on his brave face and started walking faster like his brain told him but, his body disagreed.

He stopped in front of Hooks desk.

"Yes, sir," he tries to say confidently but the end result sounds like he drank a bottle of bleach, screechy, silent, shaky and unconfident.

Hooks hates that.

"Weak !" Hook shots crackers flying on to peters face hooks big black wire like beard.

"That's what you are week" flickers of spit covering peters face. Peter found all the stuff going all over his face disgusting, and unhygienic but he didn't dare to lift a hand to wipe it off.

"And you know what happens to the weakest links," he whispered taunting, the poor kid scared out of his own skin.

"They snap!" He shouts banging his hands on the table. His voice loud like a tiger echoing across the room coming from all directions, and trust me it would be a lie if I said Peter never wanted to just die on the spot, as an aimless fourteen-year-old trying to live in this world, in a world with a curse that can't be broken without the kiss of a Wendy.

peter pan and the found boys #justwriteit #altending #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now