Anime Con PT 2

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I already published this but you couldn't see it so I copied the chapter deleted it and pasted it here it was a short chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it

G-Garroth" Zane fell back hiting his head on the floor being knocked out. "Zane-Senapi! Zane'Senapi!!!

Zanes POV

"Uhhh" I opened my eyes it was blurry. Eventhough it was blurry it was obvious i was the in the hotel room. I layed there for a while thinking. I soon heard the door open and close. Its probably kawaii-Chan i closed my eyes. I soon heard foot steps walking over to the bed stopping right next to me. I kept my eyes closed hoping that Kawaii-Chan-Chan would give me a kiss 😆. And i was right i felt her lips press against mine they where so soft. Soon we where making out i still kept my eyes closed thinking it would ruin the moment. then after 1 Minute i opened my eyes. "K-Kaitlyn!!" I moved back until I hit the wall. "I'm sorry zane I couldn't help myself you know how I feel about you" "But that doesn't give you the right to come in here and do things when I'm sleeping". Katelyn took my hand "Zane please let go of Kawaii-Chan it can just be me and you living together". I managed to push Katelyn off me to the ground. I ran to the bathroom and managed to lock the door behind me. I layed on the door and slowly fell down sighing.


Lol now that I've fixed hopefully you guys can see it now I can go to bed

Zane x Kawaii Chan-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now