One winter, a cold one, there was this little female snowflake that fell from the sky..
She was bubbly, happy, and she loves to dance..
Being alone, she was bored so
along the road, she rolled down and down to search for someone he could dance with...
She rolled across spiky weeds, rough stones and wet lands..
until she saw...
"May I dance with you..?" the snowflake asked.
It was a "wheel"..
"Nope. He's too 'domineering'.." the snowflake said.
She continued to roll down and found...
"May I dance with you..?" the snowflake asked.
It was a "rock"..
"Nope. He's too 'hard'.." the snowflake said.
Again, she continued and saw...
"May I dance with you..?" the snowflake asked.
It was a "stick"..
"Nope. He's too 'stiff'.." the snowflake said.
Starting to feel lonely she continued and never gave up searching and found...
"May I dance with you..?" the snowflake asked.
It was a "flash of thunder"..
"Nope. He's too 'flashy'.." the snowflake said.
She never gave up and found...
"May I dance with you..?" the snowflake asked.
This time, it was a "clock"..
"Nope. He's too 'busy'.." the snowflake said.
The snowflake got tired of searching, and lonely.. She sat down by the hillfoot to rest.
"Hey, May I dance with you..?"
And this time, the snowflake wasn't the one who asked the question...
It was another snowflake..
The snowflake is now happy to be with her own kind..
"Yes you may.." the snowflake answered with happinness on her face.
They danced together.. But they realized that if they dance, they bump each other and hurt each other...
But both snowflakes didn't mind the pain they were feeling as long as they're both happy...
They both danced to the whispy breeze of the air, jumped and played along the rough roads and have fun... 'till they stumbled upon a 'hill' on their way..
"I can't climb that hill.. I'm afraid." the snowflake said.
"Don't worry... You won't fall... I got your back.." answered back the other snowflake.
"But you know you'll get hurt if you push me up..." said the girl snowflake in concern.
"It's okay.. I can intake the pain.. As long as we can overcome that 'hill'.." the guy snowflake replied.
So both snowflakes climbed up the 'hill' even they hurt each other.. The spikes wounded each of them deeply, they bruised each other badly... 'till the snowflake can't take it any longer..
"Ouch..!" screamed the snowflake crying.
"I'm sorry baby.. I was just trying to help." said the other snowflake..
The female snowflake took another shot and stopped crying.. They continued climbing up 'till they reached the top of the hill badly bruised.
"Huhuhuhu..." the snowflake cried her heart out.
"Stop crying baby... We made it." said the other.
Just as about when the other snowflake stopped crying, a huge breeze of wind separated the two snowflakes...
They fell in a deep deep slumber and didn't knew what happened...
Weeks passed and the two snowflakes, separated, were still in a deep slumber...
'Till one day, the sun shone so bright that it extended it's rays from North to the South..
A teardrop of water fell from the sky... It was the before, bubbly, happy and playful snowflake that now has turned into a sad, lonely little raindrop..
Crying her eyes out, the raindrop slide throughout the road..
Looking down while walking lonely... she bumped into someone...
"Oh.! Sorry,.." the snowflake apologized.
Then, as she lift her head up he saw this another raindrop..
"Hey.., Haven't I seen you before..?" asked the other raindrop.
"Uhm,.. maybe. Care to dance..?" the female raindrop asked.
The male raindrop just smiled..
Both raindrops then played, jumped, slid, rolled, sing, have fun, and danced without spikes hurting each other. Throughout the day, they enjoyed each other's company... 'till one snowflake stopped and asked...
"May I dance with you forever..?"
The other snowflake just smiled.
the two sad, lonely, and alone teardrops became one happy, cheerful raindrop.