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hey guys so this is my first story so please guys go easy on me, i just wanted to right this story because well i thougth it was amazing in my head so i said why shouldnt other people read it.

 I realy hope you enjoy it guys and i am trying to edit my mistakes so im sorry if you see any and i would love the you guys to support the story if liked it my voting and commenting.

oh and before i forget your opinions matter so much to e so plz comment and i will be reallt thankful if you did :D.

BUT anyway lets get to the story ;)


It all started when I was eight.

Me and Hunter as usual were eavesdropping on our fathers as he was talking to the alpha of the neighboring pack. “The darkmith pack” was what they called themselves they were really strong and scary, my father always told me to stay away from them. The only reason my father needed their help was because of a big rogue attack that has already taken over half of the packs in the U.S.A and they were coming for us.

“Skylar! Hunter! What are you two doing?” my mother screamed making both me and hunter jump because we knew we got caught.

“What should we do?” Hunter asked me in hurry looking at my mother as she came closer to us.

“RUN!” I screamed and we both started running while giggling to my room. My room was on the second floor of our big mansion, my parents didn’t want to live in the pack house because it was too crowded as our pack was the second biggest in the U.S.A while the first was darkmith.

“I think we lost her” I said to hunter while closing the door to my room.

“well you didn’t lose us” someone said from behind us when we turned around me and hunter screamed when we saw it was my two older brothers Eric and Luke.

Eric and Luke were twins who were going to be the future alpha but mostly Eric was.

 Ya, he was a little careless and loved to have fun but he was a very strong leader and always wanted to become the alpha when he grew up while Luke was well Luke, I never got what mood he was in, one minute you see him as a book nerd and the other you see him partying and a free guy, he never cared to take the alpha position.

Well that’s my weird brothers for you although they were weird and had their own lives, they were very protective about my life and needed to know every single thing that was happening in it.

Ughhhhh annoying

“you know you guys can run from mom but not us” Luke said pointing out the truth and looking at me knowing that I know that which got my face to turn red.

“ya so now my dear little sister will you tell us what you guys were doing near dads office while he was in a meeting?” Eric asked me while making us both sit on my bed and making it seem like we are in a police station getting asked questioned.

Hunter looked at me and I looked at him we were both red in the face and knew we were caught red handed.

Hunter and me have been best friends since I can remember and we always got caught in trouble. Hunter was eight too, he had blueish grey eyes and his hair was dark brown and short, His dad was the beta of our pack which reminds me our pack is called “the sky pack” my dad named it after me because I was a daddy’s girl and loved him a lot when I was a baby.

“Hunterrrrrrr!!! Come on we are going” Hunter’s mom screamed from downstairs making us all jump.

Hunter jumped off my bed and hugged me while whispering good luck and you’re on your own in my ear and with a nod to my brothers ran out my room.

“looks like you’re on your own little bubble” Eric said with an evil look in his eyes while he and Luke started surrounding me and with a girly shriek I started running around my room ( room was really big) while Luke and Eric chased after me.

When finally Eric caught me by the waist and was turning me around while Luke was tickling me making me laugh and giggle we all froze when we heard someone say “well well well what do we have here?” we looked up and say my dad hugging my mom from behind while watching us with amused look on their faces.

“Little bubble over here was being a naughty girl again” Eric said looking at me with a smirk on his face knowing I was in trouble.

Since I was small Eric and Luke always called me bubble because when I was born my hair had a pink highlight on it but no one knew why so my parents just assumed because I was an alphas daughter meant that I was different from the other werewolves.

“Well then this little bubble needs to sleep because she has school tomorrow and so do you boys, I hope I will see you both in bed when I finish putting sky to bed” my dad said while he came and carried me from Eric’s hand to put me to bed.

“ok, night mom, night dad” Eric and Luke said together while kissing both the cheeks of my mom and dad, I thought they forgot about me when they opened the door to my room to get out but they suddenly stopped and turned around and ran to me and gave me a bear hug, they were squeezing me so hard that I couldn’t breathe and from the look on my parents faces I knew I was turning blue “ok boys stop it, your sister can’t breathe” my mom said looking at me worriedly while both Eric and Luke started to laugh and let me go.

“Goodnight little bubble” they said kissing me hard on the cheek and went to their rooms.

“Goodnight sweety, sweet dreams” my mom said kissing me on the forehead and leaving my room too. Everyone knew that my dad always tucks me to bed every night or I would have night mares it was kind of like a tradition to me.

“come on sky” my dad said putting me under the covers.

“daddy are we going to be ok?” I asked thinking back to what I heard while me and hunter were eavesdropping, my dad froze and looked at me with love and I think I saw a sad and scared emotion cross his face but he blocked it.

“sky honey, we will all be ok I will never let anything happen to you ok?”

“ok daddy” I said my eyes already closing.

“goodnight honey, sweet dreams” my dad said kissing me on the forehead while the darkness took over me.

I trusted my dad and I knew he would never get our family hurt But the thing i didnt know was what was going to happen the same night.

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