Princess Protection Program

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©copyright Syreena Motta


One direction as them self

lindsay Ellingson as Raveena Morétz

ps:lindsay ellingson was a victoria secret model if you dont know, if you want to know how she look go goggle her i choose her bec she reall look like a barbie doll.

okay so i decited to wrote this story in indonesia since im pretty good ;) so well yeah i said i was born and live in london it true but my momma was from Indonesia and i live at there around 3 years-or more, i dont count it- so well yeah im speak bahasa too. to bad we must go back to london cause i love to live in Indonesia it was a lovely place i lovd the culture and i love the beach at there such like bali and lombok, so yeah i spook to much well okay eh i awkward at coversation actually so read and vote and comment it mean alot to me :)x.



paris old city,france


(paris old city was just in my imagination x).



"Raveena"panggil seseorang pria. dia menyeringai lebar.

"d- dont you d dare to touch me!" jerit perempuan bernama raveena, dia ingin sekali lari tapi posisinya sekarang sudah terpojok.

  dia mundur selangkah dan punggungnya menabrak tembok,sedangkan laki laki tadi mulai mendekatinya, tidak ada ruang bergerak untuk raveena.

dia menahan isakannya dia tahu apa yang laki laki tersebut akan lakukan.

"Arthur"air mata raveena mulai turun, arthur yang dimaksud tersenyum licik. "dont...".

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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